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Pell Grants from the federal government are one source of need-based money. To be awarded a Pell Grant, a student supporting himself or his parent(s) who claim him as a dependent need to fill out the FAFSA form. Information concerning this can be found here: FAFSA

For the 2006-2007 school year, those applying need to have filled out their income tax forms as early as possible to complete the application. Grant money doesn't have to be repaid and, as such, is exceedingly popular; the earlier you fill out your forms, the faster you're in line for the grant money which is limited. Forms must be completed by June 30th.

If you have filled out your FAFSA in time and your circumstances change (extended unemployment, parents' divorce, etc), you can still be awarded grants through a Change of Circumstance Form. Just to be on the safe side, even if you feel you may not be eligible for grant money now, it's a good idea to have completed Your FAFSA. I believe the upper limit for qualifying for a Pell is an annual combined income of $59,000.

Applying through FAFSA can also result in the award of subsidised and unsubsidised student loans.

The income of those applying and the cost of the college you will be attending is taken into consideration. When you fill out the form, they will ask what colleges you are considering. They will determine your EFC (Estimated Family Contribution), the amount they believe you can contribute to the student's education. More than one family member in college at a time boosts your chances.

Coaches seem to have a very good relationship with their school's Financial Aid Office. Be frank with Coach about financial concerns and ask to talk to the Financial Aid Office to find out about state and school grants that might also be available to you.

Best of luck!
Last edited by Orlando
rocky25 / Texan
Is it common for schools to offer a scholarship amount that includes both Athletic money AND Grant(need-based)money?
Yes, blending baseball scholarship money and financial aid money is very common. As Orlando said, have a frank discussion with the coach regarding admission costs. They do this all the time. Financial Assistance-DI
Last edited by RHP05Parent

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