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It was a great event. Joe Agreste and John Boyd ran it and had 20+ scouts from 9 or 10 different colleges and a few MLB teams. For the price and the exposure it can't be beat! I helped on sunday and the thing that impressed me was that this was more about exposure and not about making money like other exposure camps that my son's have done. The only negative was that the hitting got rained out but they are doing videos this saturday and providing them to the scouts so they don't have to come back. It's my understanding that numerous colleges that couldn't attend will be coming to the next one in October. This is exactly what Tidewater has needed for years!
Nick Boothe does a great camp and my oldest got his offer out of the one he did. That is why they want to make sure not to conflict with those dates. With that said it is also a completely different setup. Every player got a chance to showcase in front of every scout at the same time. The schools that I recall are....VCU, ECU, Shenandoah, Norfolk State, ODU, Ferrum, Elizabeth City, Rappahanock, Chowan, Delaware Tech, Louisburg, College of Albemarle, Apprentice School, Mariners, Red Sox, Angels, Blue Jays, Cubs.
vavals, I'm sure the showcase has value but some of the things you said don't really make sense:

1) "...This is exactly what Tidewater has needed for years!" - As I mentioned, Nick Boothe's showcase has given Tidewater kids exposure to the same schools for 10-15 years.

2) "...Every player got a chance to showcase in front of every scout at the same time" - Isn't this the case with every showcase? I will again refer to Nick Boothe's showcase. Coaches work with kids positionally and then are free to watch IF/OF, BP and games.

I'm sure Agreste runs a good camp but not much is revolutionary in the showcase world.
Redbird, Not sure what your motivation is but I am just giving my opinion. The comment about this being what tidewater needs came from a conversation with several of the coaches who liked the format and wanted to come back for more of these with tidewater players. As I have said and will continue to say, Nick Boothe is a class act and runs a great showcase camp. It has great instruction and good exposure. This showcase did not have any instruction and was just for the players to "tryout" infront of some top notch coaches with great programs. I never said that they reinvented the wheel all I was trying to say is that it was a well attended event and seemed to be very well recieved by the scouts.
Last edited by vavals
I think Vavals is simply saying that the price was great and the event was well run. In that regard, I can assume it is what many areas could use especially given the economy. The format, as best as I can tell, was similar to most showcase events...60's, outfield, infield, pitching gunned inside due to rain and off flats on gym floor...Batting was Saturday if you wished to return...Vavals. I did not wish to speak for you but it was how I interpreted your message...
Last edited by Jbeyel
A very well run camp. The exposure to college coaches was typical/ standard... but far cheaper. Joey Agreste does a great job (with help from his dad) because he loves the kids. Sure he is trying to make a living too but he has the kids best interest in mind. We are talking about a well run different from most... and a third of the Cost of VA Wesleyan's.

There were a lot of great kids there too many to single out.
I will say this too... Because Joey Agreste played in the Padres organization, Independent ball in the Frontier League and his college ball at West Virginia as a Mountaineer.... he has stayed very relevant with his connections. He will give a parent an honest and unbiased opinion on their child’s ability. He can and he will make phone calls to college coaches if needed. Both son and dad are super individuals. I hope we are not questioning the merits of the camp. That would be very short sighted.
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by mathews41:
...I hope we are not questioning the merits of the camp...

I don't see where anyone has done that.

Ok... just making sure. This was a great camp and the Agreste family are a class act and thier camp was... for the money, a better option than most. And I want to make sure that this point was made clear.
Last edited by mathews41

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