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Amen to that ~~~~

I have seen umpires threaten to call the police if the fans didn't stop questioning the calls and there was no profanity involved--just the typical fan catcalls

It has gotten to the pint where we have instructed our players not to show any emotion to the calls---todays umps will heave them without a second thought for no reason
rhobbs---because if they do they have no umpires

We play in a tournament every year where the umpiring is atrocious---the worst of the group just happens to be the ASSIGNOR for the region--if they can him they have no umpires---talk about power in the wrong hands--this guys throws me out every year just for being in the dugout with the scorebook-- for years we had a coach who was on the HD S Rules committee--Coach questioned him on a play and the ump flat out stated loud enough for all to hear--"I don't care if you wrote the rules. This is my territory and my rules. " And then he ejected him

This year I might sit in the stands with the scorebook and let my guys run the game and see what he does with me---it is real bad when the opposing coaches tell you that your are being railroaded
TRHit: This is so disappointing. It seems like there is no hope of getting quality umpiring at the HS level, spring or summer. It is sad, because what inevitably happens is the bad umps take the game out of the hands of the players and decide the outcome according to their own whims. Now, having said that, I will tell you that there are still a few good umps who have integrity and call the game as straight up as they can. To them, I am grateful. Unfortunately, it appears that the make up only about 20% of the overall population of umps.

When I do my tournament in Warwick RI, 45 games in 6 days, the first three days,three fields with games starting at 8 AM thru 8 PM---they do an unbelievable job--they give me 3 umpires for the semis and 4 for the title game---they are worth every penny I pay them---I have used them for some 7 or 8 years now and I get the same experienced guys every year--they know the format--they know the managers-- they know what it is all about

Nothing like the championship team when ready to depart for home in PA telling me it was the best umpired tournament they had ever been in--YES there are some good ones and 20% may not be low enough

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