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Got your message. I had a major work crisis and was under duress until this morning when I was able to execute the task that I was to undertake last week. The Eagle will be landing before noon tomorrow, guaranteed by the U.S. Postal Service. Sorry for the delay. Let me know if the materials meet your approval. Over and out.
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To all on this thread:

Your attempts to thwart or assist the Eagle on its mission have been registered and advanced to our intelligence department. If you hear clicking on your telephones or believe you are being followed by black sedans or, in some cases, helicopters over the next 007 hours, officially it has nothing to do with the Eagle Delivery Project.

To PG (The rest of you are instructed to not read this): benpics apwire dupscolor manillainside guarovernitemailpriornoondeliv.

I bet you all read that part too.

I did get the package. I can't thnk you enough. I owe you a lot!

For those of you who are confused. Here's the story.

A while back I was talking to Mike (BaseballDad1228) about his son. He asked me how my son Ben was doing. I told him he is not coming back very fast from another arm injury. That maybe he might have to hang it up!

Mike sent me some photos via email of Ben when he was with the Brewers. I told Mike that I had pictures of Ben when he pitched in the Major Leagues with the Diamondbacks and the Brewers, but none when he pitched for the Yankees.

Now that his career might be over a picture of him pitching for the Yankees became more important to me.

Long story short, I had forgotten about it when Mike called me and said he has some pictures and would send them to me. I got them today. I can't possibly thank Mike enough. It's another example of what makes the HSBBW the greatest site in baseball. There are a lot of great people who spend time right here!

Thanks again Mike,

Here's one of the pictures.

Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:

To PG (The rest of you are instructed to not read this): benpics apwire dupscolor manillainside guarovernitemailpriornoondeliv.

I bet you all read that part too.

Nothing like sitting back and watching a couple grown men pretend they're secret agent commandos to make a guy smile. And thanks to this last comment, I now have Diet Pepsi spots all over my keyboard and monitor!
Last edited by Beezer
Jerry had to be the only father in America whose son pitched in the Major Leagues for the NEW YORK YANKEES and did not have a picture of him in the greatest uniform known to mankind. Fortunately I have a friend who works for the Daily News sports department in NY and he found shots of Ben while he was pitching for the Bronx Bombers.

You all know what Jerry means to baseball and to thousands of kids and families out there. He knows that I know all he did for my son. I am thrilled that I was able to give something special to a person who gives so much to so many, year after year.

Over and out...
Beezer, this will teach you a lesson not to get in the middle of a game being played above your head. If you cannot see or hear the helicopters, then they are most definitely following you. Time to change your name and stop using credit and MAC cards. Too easy to trace. Good luck getting onto an airplane too. You've brought on all of this yourself.
It's not the helicopters that bother me, because like you said, I can't really see or hear them, but I am starting to get concerned about the guy in the black Suburban wearing a dark suit, sporting Aviators and constantly following me everywhere while talking to his wrist. It's nice that the mailman has already opened all my mail for me all of a sudden. But the clicking phone is getting a tad bit annoying. Ehhh....probably just some freaky coincidence....ummm....right bbdad????
Last edited by Beezer
Funny you should mention all of this just now...

No more than a half hour ago I was driving to the local high school to pick up my two daughters from a volleyball camp here in west suburban Chicago.

As I was waiting for the light to change so I could cross a busy thoroughfare, I noticed the little emergency light next to the traffic light had come wasn't flashing so I knew the emergency vehicle(s) would be crossing in front.

Sure enough I heard the faint sounds of sirens in the distance...soon they passed in front of me...and they were in a hurry to get somewhere fast!

The two identical vehicles were certainly very similar to the one's you were joking about Beez's a description of them...

Both were big, black, full sized, spanking new Ford Expeditions...without any markings whatsoever.

Each had multiple hidden lights totally concealed inside the rig...not noticeable when they were not in use.

The trailing one had one of the rear side tinted windows lowered 3 or 4 inches revealing either bars or some sort of armor plating was hard to determine since they flew by so quickly.

I have no idea which agency they belonged to and no clue as to where they were going in such a hurry.

One thing is certain...they were not escorted overhead by any aircraft of any type or color!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Both were big, black, full sized, spanking new Ford Expeditions...without any markings whatsoever.

Each had multiple hidden lights totally concealed inside the rig...not noticeable when they were not in use.

WOOD>>>This is just too ironic!! I saw them too! The only difference was some gray hair fellow with a southern accent was hanging out the window of the front vehicle singing GO BAMA!!! ROLL ON TIDE!!! Over and over!!!! There were a line of other vehicles behind the two FORDS with beautiful ladies and moms yelling and screaming for some fellow...they were saying he's PERFECT he's in the GAME he IS THE BEST Roll on BROTHERS

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