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The coach contact period for incoming Juniors is right around the corner.

What contact did your son receive when the Coach contact period opened (used to be Sept. 1, I believe)

I keep telling my kid it’s just a date and whatever happens will happen. He has had some positive Coach comments at camps he’s attended with some telling him “we’ll be in touch.”

Thank you.

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From 15 years ago.

The phone started ringing at the moment the rules allowed. It rang the entire day.

The coaches know how to manipulate/make a player believe they are sought after.

That said, the recruiting process is both a marathon and sprint. It's also a game of musical chairs.

Not getting a call when the door opens, doesn't foreclose anything.

Last edited by Goosegg


I recall being in a hotel in East Cobb @ PG WWBA, and my son's phone started ringing at 8am on July 1 (the old NCAA date for contact).  He got half a dozen calls that day.  One school was following up from a junior day (overnight) he attended in the Fall.  The other schools he was not familiar with, but he carried on a 10-15 minute conversation with the coaches.   He had prepared and rehearsed a 1-2 minute speech for this kind of activity.  Mostly, the coaches carried the conversation but he did get his questions in.   At the least, this is great practice for your son.  Only one of the schools ended up offering, and I'm pretty sure he didn't hear from the other schools again.

So, my son asked questions about:

Have they seen him play, if so where & when, majors, time commitments in the Fall & Spring, tutors and mandatory study halls, athletic dorms, athletic & academic scholarship details, strength training & conditioning philosophy, typical pitching practice,  etc...

Good luck!

@BaseballGhostMom posted:

So if a player gets a few calls on that first day, what should they say? Would appreciate any insight into the possible things a coach might call to say, and any recommendations on how the player should respond. TIA.

You will get a different perspective if you send a PM to @IAmThatGuy. My guess is he will tell you to lead with, “How much NIL money are you throwing at me?” 😂

Haha. Well, although I don't see the NIL $ happening at this point, a mom can dream. He's comfortable speaking with adults and coaches; if the calls are received Aug 1 and beyond, I think he will handle them well. Just want to have some good convos with him beforehand about certain questions to ask and how to respond in a manner that reflects his maturity, work ethic, goals, etc. I really appreciate the feedback.

My son got I think one or two calls on the day he could take calls. Teams where he had gone to camps and they said they would be in touch never called. Teams he had sent some email and videos were the first he heard from. i vaguely remember son asking questions about coaches' pitching philosophy (or hitters), what they are looking for in a player. This wasn't a deal when my son was being recruited (he was a 2018 HS grad), but your son might ask how or if the school is using analytics to help their players improve.

@BaseballGhostMom posted:

Haha. Well, although I don't see the NIL $ happening at this point, a mom can dream. He's comfortable speaking with adults and coaches; if the calls are received Aug 1 and beyond, I think he will handle them well. Just want to have some good convos with him beforehand about certain questions to ask and how to respond in a manner that reflects his maturity, work ethic, goals, etc. I really appreciate the feedback.

Don't be surprised if they want him to come to camp which is actually like a work out with other recruits and campers. It's just a good chance for them to talk to him and see his skills close up.

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