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No...wish I could though..first 11 games outta 12 are on the road, my visa was had to make a choice..I'll watch via Hawaii's web streaming...are you going?

I'll be on site for the Houston College Classic (Texas A&M/Houston/UCLA), then up to Waco for the Baylor Tournament(Alabama-Birmingham/Baylor/South Alabama) then in LA for Southern Cal(USC).

If anybody on this site has a son with any of those teams and wanna bet...

(pulling off gloves....

then slaping your face with said gloves)

I challege you as well!
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Make time to see Pearl Harbor.

For sure yeah, but remember there's a lot to see at Pearl, and you won't be alone. Best go early and be flexible. Last time I toured the Missouri and it took a few hours. The Arizona takes a while too. Definitely worth it though. Punch Bowl Natl. Cemetery is beautiful, Pali Lookout is stunning, and hiking up Diamond Head is a gas (literally!). The North Shore is a another requirement, but it's really a full day trip. Breakfast at Big City. Dinner at Dukes. There are so many great restaurants to choose from in the Hono.
It's actually so nice just to hit the beach and enjoy sun and sand. Hawaii should be about relaxing too, and that's hard to do if you're running around all day. I hope you get to stay awhile. Of course, we'll all want to see pictures of the puma gang on the beach!
Last edited by spizzlepop

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