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Here is the funny thing and the thing that I am getting tired of seeing. No matter what the coach does people on this site want to chastise them. If he had ran try outs and kept the kids this thread would be full of threads of favortism. The coach went out and got scouts so there was no favortism showed and now its threads about his manhood. Many a time in the real world people excuse themselves from an interview process because of the air of favortism, why not now? People on this site have been begging for coaches to not show favortism....If this is how a coach decides to do it, be happy with it.
If you pose a scenario to the number of people who actively participate on this board you're going to get a multitude of responses.

1) I think a coach not making his own decisions lacks a set.
2) I think his jury was stacked.
3) It's absurd to think eleven freshman are good enough to beat out eleven upper classman without very unique circumstances.
4) Even if this team is a powerhouse when they are seniors, they probably would have been anyway. Yet in the meantime the coach screwed a bunch of upperclassmen.
Originally posted by socalhscoach:
Here is the funny thing and the thing that I am getting tired of seeing. No matter what the coach does people on this site want to chastise them. If he had ran try outs and kept the kids this thread would be full of threads of favortism. The coach went out and got scouts so there was no favortism showed and now its threads about his manhood. Many a time in the real world people excuse themselves from an interview process because of the air of favortism, why not now? People on this site have been begging for coaches to not show favortism....If this is how a coach decides to do it, be happy with it.

Ah, good post you got the idea of what I was looking for. I didn't see any need for the responses about ones manhood, but then again, I am not surprised. JMO.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:
I didn't see any need for the responses about ones manhood, but then again, I am not surprised here. JMO.

Come down from the top of the hill and take a reality check, this is not a book club. You have no right to publicly judge anyone's morality. If you can't take the opinions and attitudes of those who have lived the game for much longer than you, this site enables you to block those posters comments from your righteous and majestic eyes. I agree with you that some comments on this site push the bubble in regard "social misconduct", but members can judge that within their own standards. I'm not sure the job of HSBBW morality enforcer has been passed on to you.
Originally posted by socalhscoach:
Here is the funny thing and the thing that I am getting tired of seeing. No matter what the coach does people on this site want to chastise them.

I think you could replace the word coach with word parent and have the same truth to your statement. There will never be complete agreement on any subject that involves opinions. IMHO, its refreshing to see different sides of a topic.

Originally posted by socalhscoach:
People on this site have been begging for coaches to not show favortism....If this is how a coach decides to do it, be happy with it.

I think the one statement the original poster claimed that caused much of the hoopla was

"All of the team final cuts were a result of outside opinions."

I don't see that as a move a confident coach would make. But thats just MY opinion.
Last edited by rz1
SoCalHSCoach has an interesting angle, and I respect his perspective, but I have to politely disagree with the notion parents must never question a HS coach or his motivation for doing what he does for the "good" of the program.

In the 23 years I have been employed in my current position, I've been held accountable for what I say and do by the following, DAILY:

1 Myself
3 Division Managers
9 First-Line Supervisors
100(+) Civilian staff
400(+) Sworn Staff

And.... to take it a step further, when I am held accountable for my words/actions/behavior I DO NOT get to question the loyalty of those who are holding me accountable.

Explain..It's a great topic TPM brought up that provoked good conversation and right to the point replies. Nothing vulgar or nasty. Based on the replies, it would seem most have the same general opinion of how this coach runs his program.

Ill explain, and I really do not care if every guy on her wants to jump me. TPM post a topic, there are certain MEN on here who obviously do not like her and it comes out in their constant rude replies to whatever she says.I am sick of it, there are many wonderful posters on here and you know who you are, we have spoken about this face to face.Some of you ( not the majority Cleveland dad, former observer,PG,Homerun04,Fungo,Observer 44,Infield08, infidel, several , several others who I love and enjoy your posts)want a good ole boys club and you have gotten worse as time goes on. Dont tell people if they dont like it to get off here, who the hell do you think you are.A bunch of grouchy old men who obviously think most of what us women have to say is pointless.
I really dont care about even getting on this site like I used to, people come on here and ask a question or post and the freaking fangs come out.I have recieved several PM from newcomers who have felt like idiots from coming on here.
I do not care if your sons played or play pro ball, college D1 could care less, wehn you begin to be rude to people and some of you are rude to TPM. Personally I think she provides a wealth of experience on this site, and she stands up for herself, but there are some of you who OBVIOUSLY do not like her and it is obvious the way you talk to her.I do not care if you blast me,Yeah I am just a mom, but I have lived through 14 years of baseball, I have lived through politics, and macho men,but I will tell you this, I have received many, many PMS from wondeful people on this site who have encouraged me and thanked me for being supoortive and positve on this site to whoever comes on.
Not every one on here has kids that are great players, many will not make their HS teama as we have read about in the last couple weeks.Some of you say to bad your kid wasnt good enoug, geez, do you forget what it was like when your kid was at that point.Maybe none of your sons struggled to make teams.Make HS team etc,these people dont need it rubbed in their face.
I have seen it get incresingly worse since I first came on this site. AS you can see if you look, many great posters hardly ever come on here anymore.Observer44 where are you?You are one of the wisest and best posters on this site.You are thoughtful, supportive and honest without being rude and condescending. Many of you arer also but some in my opinion are not even worth reading their posts. Negative and rude.
Last edited by fanofgame
Come down from the top of the hill and take a reality check, this is not a book club. You have no right to publicly judge anyone's morality. If you can't take the opinions and attitudes of those who have lived the game for much longer than you, this site enables you to block those posters comments from your righteous and majestic eyes. I agree with you that some comments on this site push the bubble in regard "social misconduct", but members can judge that within their own standards. I'm not sure the job of HSBBW morality enforcer has been passed on to you.

This is one example.Its not a book club?? but we can make comments that someone considers rude and you make a comment about a Book club. whats that mean?Calling another poster righteous,morality enforcer,a little to personal and rude in my opinion, which wont count for much becasue i am probably part of the same book club TPM is in. You guys want this site to yourselves have at it. It is yours.
Maybe you live in a world of dreams and PC stuff---others live in a real world---why is it some can criticize posters on here but others can't?--go back and read some of the posts by those you feel are being "hurt", since that is whom you seem to be protecting, and see how see how they insult posters. That post stuff that is not legitimate for whatever the reasons may be--that is why we debate and discuss--even if YOU do not agree with others does not mean you have the right to ridicule them as you are now doing-- debate and discussion is what this site was built on--as for a "good ole boys club" there never was and there is not now such a thing even if it may exist in your miPerhaps it is ypou who needs to realize what is going on and not be rude and negative as you just were in your post
Last edited by TRhit

You are a prime example. go back and read your posts you are a consistent member who belittles posters and attacks TPM. Discussion is fine, rude comments and others are not. Have this site to yoursel Thrit, you used to posts encouraging posts, now you just attck people. You along with some others can have this web site. Its beginnign to make me sick.Have a great day

Sorry if I took that out of context.
I just have to ask you this, if you went and re read your posts on this site, do you not think that you have a certain disdain for a particular poster?Another poster does as well. It muckys up the waters when its back and forth with no real discussion going on.
I think you and the other poster both have good things to add to this board, you have a lot of exp. But to me it gets annoying to read the constant exchange.Maybe I shouldnt come on here anymore,because I love a good discussion and I do not mind exchange, I dont like it when it gets personal. If you and Thrit can honestly tell me its not personal with TPM then I will publicly apologize on this site to both of you.But from what I have read on this site thats how I percieve it.
Shes a tough gal, I do not need to defend her, I just think its obvious, I just try to remember what this site is for, lots of kids, parents of young kids getting on here and reading to learn. What do they learn from this?
You want to talk about HS politics let me put this one on the table for you

All towns have politcal groups who want what they want and one such instance erupted in the senior year of my sons HS career---Prior to practice in his senior spring he came home to inform me that the Head Coach of many years had been released-- Losing the coach who was on your page can be a downer and to say the least he was quite upset--

Two days later he called me from school to tell me that he had been invited, because he was the team captain, to serve on the selection committee with the AD and the ASST Principal to select the new coach

What the politcal faction did not realize or perhaps overlooked was the fact that the HS football coach was also a great baseball player in college and knew the game well---The football coach got the job and he knew my son well as he had tried for four years to get my son on the football team which I denied---Coach called me upo and taol me " I finally got your son on my team but it isn't the football team"

No more was ever said by the "faction"

What I am saying is if you have the right team and proper cooperation you can take care of what people term "politics"--in fact the AD and the Coach, both retired, still touch base once every now and then each year

I like TPM -- a lot. She has seen much in baseball and has valuable experiences to share. I realize there are some peope here who like her more than others. However, I do not think she has been attacked here at all in this particular thread. She did not appreciate certain descriptions aimed at her friend the coach, not at her. I believe -- based on her description of the situation and nothing else -- that this guy is not much of a coach in many ways, which I have posted above. But that has nothing to do with her, and she asked for opinions.

Most, but not all, posters here are very polite and considerate of everyone. This is one of the most pleasant places I have found on the internet. TR, for example, seems a bit stubborn, opinionated and set in his ways, but he sure has helped a lot of people and seems willing to provide assistance whenever asked.

A blanked attack on MEN is not very productive. After all, baseball is played nearly exclusively by men and every son eventually becomes a man, which I view as a good thing rather than a bad thing and even better when that development is influenced greatly by other men.

In regard to the tone of this site over time, I have been here from the very beginning. It was great then and is great now and virtually the same throughout, although far better known now with a larger and more diverse audience and probably into its third generation of posters. Many have come and gone and that will always be the case. I remember great posters who know longer post such as the Principal (who like some others have passed), Chill, Hitdad etc... Even Bob now longer is here, and what a shame.

But new posters have come on over time. I still view, for instance, JT as new, even though he has not been new for a long time. He lives and works in my hometown and I enjoy every one of his posts because for me it maintains an important connection, something he could not possibly know.

So, be upset if you like, but don't make the mistake that this place is in decline, because it is not. And don't make the mistake that TPM is unappreciated, because she is not.
Last edited by jemaz
My opinion on this situation is that the coach may have covered himself, but what good can come out of this in the next 4 years, if these 11 or 12 freshman have secured most of the varsity spots for 4 years. I can envision a lot of other kids saying "why even tryout", when the coaches club team has already secured spots for the next 4 years?

A by product of this could be a bunch of good athletes choosing to play golf, volleyball, track or tennis, and just passing on baseball. I can guarantee that this would happen at my son's school.

The bottom line is that it really doesn't matter where you play your freshman year, so why do this? This is negatively effecting the high school baseball experience for this year's seniors, juniors, and sophmores, along with the next 3 years worth of incoming players. All so they can get one class of players a head start at varsity. And there is no guarantee that these kids will keep playing baseball for 4 years. I know that 50% of my son's club team are not longer playing baseball.
Thanks fanofgame, but I don't need defending. I do understand how you may feel.

I had no objection to what was posted (spineless and grow a set) about the coach that I know, I just didn't feel it added anything of value. Perhaps if it was coming from another person, I would not have had to comment. JMO.

I am closing this topic not because I am concerned of anything said about me, it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. If anyone has any complaints about that, they can address them to Julie.
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