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I'm feeling a little underwhelmed by the whole achievement thing. Faith Christian Academy is .....well challenged when it comes to competing. Last year's record was 0-7. According to Maxpreps they are ranked 588th in the state of Florida and 14953 nationally. The year before 2-10.....the year before 3-10. What causes a game to end 38-0 anyway? Because coach wanted to see his kid set a national record. Just not feeling all warm and fuzzy this morning I guess. Wonder if anyone else enjoyed the game?
Here's my two cents for what it's worth.
First, as stated, there are times when the losing team just cannot make a play no matter what the winning team does to keep the scoring down.
Second, there are definitely things coaches can (and should!) do to keep their team focused but also keep the score down. Getting all their players in the game, playing base-to-base, telling all your hitters to work on hitting to the opposite field, etc.
If handled correctly and with integrity, both teams can benefit from a game like this in the long run.

The key word being "IF." Hopefully it was.

I guess I am a little taken aback at some of the comments.

There are a lot of things seemingly being assumed.

It's assumed that they have a "non starting" group to put on the field when the score got out of hand. It's a small school so how many kids are on the Varsity roster?

How far are the fences on the field where they played?

I understand all kinds of moral arguments could be made concerning the score and the other things mentioned…but none of them really concern the kid himself.

I guess I take the approach that since I don't really know any of that info, I give the kid a pat on the back and say that was quite a day and let him enjoy the moment.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
I am not impressed. The starters should have been yanked long before he had a chance to hit five homeruns. Lots of guys hit homeruns in "batting practice" and that is what this appears to be.

The game was run ruled at five innings. When do you yank the starters? Granted, they were probably tired after two innings from running the bases. Does the loser have any responsibility at all? It's not a pretty situation and I agree, it's an awkward moment. FWIW Austin's BA was .200, the second lowest on the 15 man roster through three games. The game was played at a middle school with a 275 foot fence. Stuff happens.
Last edited by Dad04
I have to agree with 1baseballdad...I'm happy for the kid. It's not his fault that he was still in the lineup in a 38-0 game, maybe the roster is limited? It's not his fault that they were playing an inferior team (although the winning team now is only 3-4?). It's not his fault that there is apparently a short porch.

We have to assume the pitching was pretty weak too? However, even the most talented HS players will have a tough time hitting 5 dingers in one game...weak pitching or not. This kid was in a zone, congratulations to him.
Well opinions are different that's for sure.

It's just my background, my life experiences, what was taught to me about humility, how you handle achievement. This all has to be put in perspective and the Orlando Sentinel did nothing to frame the story.

This quote bothers me, "I've never seen it before,'' Windermere Prep coach Gil Morales said. "When they appealed [for not touching the base], I said, 'Watch that be the difference maker between him setting a national record or not.' Saying that, it was still an amazing feat.''

Where I come from, we have standards for our pride. There is absolutely no reason to talk to the reporter at the end of the game. The only thing worse than being a big fish in a small pond is bragging about being a big fish in a small pond.

They stunk, we kicked their butts ...what's for dinner?
Boy, I saw this coming as soon as the first post went up. Any time there are records of significance broken and lower level competition and/or big mismatches are involved, there will be a lot of controversy and criticism. Some may or may not be warranted regarding the program or circumstance. None should be directed at the player. He, most likey, has absolutely no control of those factors in question. He plays baseball for his school. He went out and played the game of his life and should be able to completely enjoy the moment.
Unfortunately, because it IS a record of significance and WILL get national recognition (already on, that's not the way this is going to work out. He will undoubtedly hear far too much of the surrounding noise.
I hope he can find alot of joy in it anyway.
Last edited by cabbagedad
I don't care who the kid is hitting against, he still has to perform, and he did. It's not like everyone else on the team hit 5 HRs. Short fence or not, the kid hit 5 HR's. This is not the first time mismatched teams have competed or played with short fences. If this was not a big deal, dozens of other kids who were in mismatches would have the record...but they don't. It's an awesome feat regardless of who they played. Congrats Austin!
As much as I like Homerun's, there is no reason he even should get close to having that many ab's. You can talk about all the angles of competition as you like!

Is he the next Bryce Harper, will he be signing first round in June's draft, or was the coach just so full of himself to leave his starter in to build stats?

My kids came from a super powerhouse HS football team, very few of the players ever get close to setting any records because they most often never see the second half of the game.
Last edited by Homerun04
Maybe the coach played his bench players and there weren’t enough bench players to replace all the starters. I’ve seen MLB guys unable to connect on 5 straight BP pitches. Connecting 5 times in a game during different at bats is difficult (even at 275ft.). Why some people insist on diminishing this young man’s accomplishment is beyond me.
Maybe the coach played his bench players and there weren’t enough bench players to replace all the starters. I’ve seen MLB guys unable to connect on 5 straight BP pitches. Connecting 5 times in a game during different at bats is difficult (even at 275ft.). Why some people insist on diminishing this young man’s accomplishment is beyond me.

I dont think anyone is diminishing his record. They are just saying the coach seems like a d bag.
"I'm feeling a little underwhelmed by the whole achievement thing."

"Lots of guys hit homeruns in "batting practice" and that is what this appears to be."

"Some records stand only because those who could have broken them showed restraint"

"Is he the next Bryce Harper, will he be signing first round in June's draft...My kids came from a super powerhouse HS football team, very few of the players ever get close to setting any records because they most often never see the second half of the game."

All the above comments diminish what the kid accomplished. IMO.
Why should a 5 hr 17 rbi game be diminished because of the score or the perceived level of competition? Isn't it possible the team played so bad that it couldn't get out of it's own way as opposed to the winning team running up the score?

As for theplayer, what to peeps expect him to do if he's in the game? Purposely swing, miss and sing koom bye ya and make a mockery of the game pulling stunts like hitting from the opposite side when you're not a switch hitter or hitting a ball to the fence and holding at first base so as to not hurt anyones feelings?

Sometimes teams take it on the chin. Are there some jerk coaches out there who play over-aggressive when not called for? Of course there are. However, the game should still be played the right way regardless of the score. If the losing pitcher throws meatballs and it gets clobbered, then so be it.

And then this thing about putting in subs is kind of a joke too. Some expect these kids to pull back when they barely play to begoin with. When somebody who gets in a game who don't playmuch and only sees garbage time, why should he have to not play his game and pull back so koom by ya could be sung? Let them play and whatever happens, happens.

But this kid don't havre to be the next Bryce Harper for his accomplishments to mean anyting. I think sometimes, there are some who think HS baseball is strictly a development ground for major league baseball. You're way off. It's HS baseball and that's it. The few top ones will play on but the majorityof HS baseball is made up of players who end trheiur baseball career in HS. Let these guys have their moment in the news and the rest of the so-called elites can have their bragging rights at the next level.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by smalltownmom:
I am not looking for a fuss. I do know there are ways to keep a score down, that's all.

If a team is playing so bad it can't get out of it's own way, how do YOU control that? I understand not getting unnessecarily aggrssive on the basepaths and getting in subs but do you pull back to the point of making a mockery of the game and the other team?
Originally posted by smalltownmom:
I am not looking for a fuss. I do know there are ways to keep a score down, that's all.

The young man had 5 Hr's and 17 RBI's. He was coming up with runner's on base in each situation. With that said, I don't think the winning team was stealing bases, putting on hit & runs, laying down bunts, or even taking an additional base? Most of the time a good coach will have the runners go one station at a time. I'm assuming because there were so many runners in scoring position each AB, that's exactly what he did? As for sitting him, and bringing in a Sub...who knows how big the roster is on this team? Hitting a HR is not running up the score. In fact, I would have thought after hitting the 3rd dinger of the game the opposing coach would have considered pitching around this kid?
Last edited by bsbl247
Originally posted by PA Dino:
Orlando is having quite a year. First a pitcher can't field a bunt and gets cut, then a baseball record is tied. Are you sure there isn't a female wrestler around?

Perfection lobbing more grenades from PA.......ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz....get a life. Seriously, is this the first week with your new computer?
Last edited by Dad04
Under normal cicumstances I can see leaving a kid in as long as he's hit a homer in every at bat. But this would be in a 15-0 game, not a 38-0 game against a powderpuff on a short field. If I were coaching I'd want my player setting a record against at least mediocre competition. The kid didn't have a homer before this game.
Though it may not be as impressive as vs a tougher team, it DOES still take keeping your focus to square up 5 HRs. Short story: when I was managing our LL team during my son's 12YO LL season, the league title came down to the last regular season game. We were tied for first and just needed to win against a team who was out of it. So our opponent, being out of it, decided to give a younger kid his chance and pitched a small 10YO against us. The manager of the team we were tied with sat in the stands and complained about our "gift" to anyone who would listen. Despite us having the best hitting team Ingrid league, wouldn't ya know it that our kids just COULDN'T hit that little peanut enough to win?! Too many overanxious popups and groundouts due to being so early because those pitches obviously looked like beach balls.

So even though this kid faced pitching that was easier, it still took staying focused. And if the rest of his teammates didn't also go yard a few times each, then he separated himself from them and should still be commended. Deep down, I'm sure he knows it's not quite the same, but it's still a lot better than if he'd not stayed focused and didn't perform.

My son scored 20 points in a half of a varsity basketball game this year, draining 5 threes and getting his picture in the paper. But it was vs a lesser team and he knew it. Nevertheless, he still enjoyed the moment cuz many kids can't hit 5 threes during practice with nobody covering them. Razz
Last edited by Sandman

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