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If my son and I are hitting early in the morning we use the Jugs yellow dimple balls. They are very quiet and have the same weight as real baseballs. They are pretty cheap online at Walmart.
Not sure of your sons age however using wood bats might be a good option in the cage. We always liked using wood in the cages figuring if our boys could square up using wood then there is a good chance the result with metal would be even better. While it's not sound proof, the sound of wood might be a little less obtrusive than the ping of metal.
You can throw breaking balls with the Jugs dimple balls.
It depends on your level of concern with the sound and how your neighbors feel. If he's practicing in the afternoon when he gets home from school, then I'd argue there's not really any big deal with making a little noise. But if he practices early in the morning or late in the evening, then you'll need to make a few compromises.
The seams on the regular balls will arguably help with recognizing the spin, but your quietest option would probably be the dimpled balls with a wood bat.
My son only uses his wood bat and we have never had any complaints from our neighbors.
"I do not want to disturb my neighbors"
We've had several folks in our city that had to take their cages down because of neighbor complaints. Think the city said it violated some code.
I wouldn't handle this with a padded bat if at all possible.
Talk to your neighbors first. Let them know your son wants to hit but that he'll be respectful. Ask them first if they mind. Secondly, if they are like my neighbors were, most of them wanted to contribute to the cause i.e., let the young man hit so they could say they helped out his career
When my son got his cage, we talked it out with the neighbors. We told them that he wouldn't be hitting the minute they arrived home from work and while they were eating. If it ever bothered them, then the only time he would hit was when they were not home. In the summer, that was almost always the case.
Most people are kind-hearted and can understand. If your son does not take advantage of them and tries to hit when it is least intrusive on them, it ought to work out. Some people are not so easy going however and then you might have to restrict things to only when they are not home or some other drastic measure like "padded" bats.
A ball hitting a wooden bat is a sound originating in the Heavens, a blessing from the Almighty, a special treat for all who might lend an tell your neighbors your son's other passion is rock music...
A ball hitting a wooden bat is a sound originating in the Heavens, a blessing from the Almighty, a special treat for all who might lend an tell your neighbors your son's other passion is rock music...
Outstanding point. I think some people enjoy the rythmic sound of ball on bat.
My neighbors have never complained. One told me they like to hear the sound! Backdoor neighbors can't hear it at all. They are, ahem, on the mature side.
Beats the chickens next door that make a TON of noise early in the morning! argh.
Some cities have "nuisance ordinances".. the best way to find out if your city has one is to get out there and start hitting... enjoy; they are only young for a while!
They make the same dimpled ball in white with the red seams painted on. I understand wanting to use real baseballs, but if you want to be quiet, I would not alter the bat. Also, instead of using real baseballs, I would get the Jugs pearl pitching machine baseballs, sound, look and feel like real baseballs, but the seams are Teflon and will not fall apart. I have had a cage in by backyard for 4 years and have gone through dozens of real baseballs. My pitching machine (2 wheel type) will tear up your baseball seams. The jugs pearls are the way to go.
I'm with hokie on this one, ii is a sound of heaven...would love to have neighbors who had a cage. I have one, neighbors house is a ways a way and the trees deaden the sound so I am lucky.
But, it is better to ask for forgiveness than beg for
My neighbors have never had a problem with my son hitting in the cage. He tends to do it during the middle of the day, or afternoon during school season to he would minimally bother others.
To be honest, the cage bothers me more than anyone else. I work nights and have been awakened many times to the sound of the crack of the bat. I don't get too upset, he could be trying to tune his car or blasting rap music.