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Ok, The Bullwinkle wants to be serious for a sec....

There is an article in this months Collegiate Baseball (Dated 01/06/06) on the front page bottom right. This is in regards to Pitcher Austin Phillips of Tyler JC.

I can't find a web site of this article...but if someone can, please post it.

But here's some small quotes....

"Pitcher Quickly Dies after Bacterial Meningitis Battle"

"Phillips pitched two innings for Tyler JC on thursday evening but didn't fell well. He felt he was comming down with the flu. "Austin went ot his girlfriend's home the day after he pitched, and he fel worse." said Teresa Phillips, Austin's mother. "Before my husband could get him, the girlfriend called and said he was going in and out of conscoiusness. So I called the ambulance." A few hours later. Austin went into a coma. Three days later, the once vibrant and atheltic baseball player passed away to this killer disease.

Incredibly, Phillips death could have been avioded with one simple preventative shot. "Most college campus health departments are aware of the fact that one of the big risk populations is college freashman and recommend vaccinations (for bacterial meningitis) but don't require it."

One way this disease is spreand is silva, according to the Center for Disease Control.

"The family has a strong desire to inform the public about vaccinations that can prevent meningitis. It is now available and advocated."

The Bullwinkle wants all Moms and Dads to jump on this now. If your son or daughter has not had this it today.
M to the double O, S to the E.
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I can attest to the ravages of menigitis as I had it seven times as kid between ages 11 to 21

It is nothing to play with and the sad part is that it shows itself in flu like symptoms and most doctors do not pick up on it immedtaiely and when they do it can be too late.

When I was akid there were no shots--- folks take advantage of the new medicine assets--dont wait
Bullwinkle....there is a thread in the Ladies Forum on this disease. My son lost a good friend to it last April.....the quickness of this devastating disease is unbelievable.....

Yes....there is a vaccination.....some schools require it....some just recommend.....

Parents....based on our personal experience....
please consider the vaccination...for all your kids.....
During this past October during football season, my son had meningitis. The doctors first thought it was spinal meningitis. We spent 15 hours at the emergency room after his high school called to tell me he was acting "weird." The emergency room brought in a specialist who performed a spinal tap on my 14 year old. Thank God, his fluid turned out normal. He was released, but ended up going back the next day with the symptoms reoccurring...high fever, massive headache, out of sorts, nauseous, etc. The final diagnosis turned out to be a bacterial form of meningitis. This disease is indeed deadly. My husband sits on our local school board, and two days before Christmas, we received an email stating that a 5th grader in his district had passed away due to bacterial meningitis and that the student's older brother was in the hospital with the same symptoms. My son's travel ball coach was not happy when he was not able to make the tournament the next day after his incident in the hospital.. I honestly don't think many people take those symptoms as serious as they should. The docs decided that for my son, he probably picked it up off the football field from sharing water bottles or the ground!! I agree with the others here, please, please, please, get your kids vaccinated...and believe them when they say their head hurts so much it is going to explode!! It probably does!
Take the symptoms VERY SERIOUSLY!

Flu like, including high fever (son's was 105.5), sensitivity to light, extreme headache, dilirium, disorientation all within a few hours.

My son came in the first day of school as a sophomore (2 years ago) complaining of the above. I felt his forehead...He was on fire! Called the Doctor & we were off...Dr. tapped his spine in the office & said he was admitting my son...
High doses of antibiotics, fluid IV's & quarintined for the next 5 days. He lost 13 pounds & all his strength.

Viral meningitis is not the same as bacterial, but the symptoms are the same. It is nothing to mess around with. My son picked it up from a different "germ" common to swimmers, but within days it turned into viral meningitis.

This deadly illness is totally preventable with a simple vaccination. I hope everyone will heed the warning.
I asked about the vaccine at my son's physical last summer. Trying to get educated early since he leaves for college next summer and I want to plan his physical/shots around his baseball schedule. We had a well-publicized case of bacterial meningitis at KU last year so it was on my mind.
Surprisingly, my doctor said the vaccine was optional and not covered by insurance. He also said they don't keep in in the office and we'd have to go the health dept. He said he is not supposed to encourage this shot due to medical guidelines, but looked me in the eye and said if it was his son, he'd make sure to get the shot. The frequency of menegitis is low, but the consequences are high. My doctor said you don't want to be the kid who is that rare case and that dorm life puts you at a higher risk.
Our insurance covered the it might just depend on the type of insurance coverage you have.....

Please don't discount getting it becacuse of the cost until you check with your insurance company.

The thread in the Ladies Forum is "Rx for College", and as posted also addresses this subject....with other posters, including a Baseball Mom, who is a Medical Doctor (where does she find the time?) strongly recommending the vaccination.
Last edited by LadyNmom
Austin was my son's friend and team mate.

At the funeral, the church sanctuary was filled with young men and women, many athletes themselves, trying to understand how a healthy kid just three weeks past his 19th birthday could fall ill so quickly.

His parents allowed organ donation; therefore, the lives of others who received heart, corneas, kidneys, liver - were improved as a result of their tragedy.

The family has established a fund with the intent to educate families about the need for the vaccination.

Donations may be sent to
Austin Thomas Phillips Memorial Foundation Fund
Gary Phillips - Trustee
1411 Whispering Water
Mansfield, TX 76063

The grief over Austin's death continues in many hearts and the "what ifs" of his death will haunt for years to come.
Get the vaccination.

Our condolences on the loss of a friend and teammate.

Two years ago, our very small community lost a 12 year old boy to meningitis. It is devastating.

Our freshman son was required to get the vaccine as a requirement for admittance to his college. It was not covered by our insurance, and it is EXPENSIVE. But it is absolutely necessary. Spare the worry.

Thanks for the post.
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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