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I cringe when I see a Topic labeled as “Evaluate My Son’s Swing” or something like that. The poster puts on a video of his son and asks for help or instruction on corrections. I do not think it’s a good idea to do. There is no checks and balances on the person giving the advice or instruction. I see great answers at times to these questions and at other times answers that are posted just to show off a bit of knowledge on how the body works throughout a swing. Knowing how it’s supposed to look and teaching how to get there are different. Knowing how it’s supposed to look is maybe the first step in, “how to get there” but it’s not enough to give much instructional advice and could do more harm than good.

If I gave 6 people reading this, 10 steps in written command (non hitting, just movements) on what to do with your hands, legs, feet, arms, waist and head….I’m sure I would have 6 people looking 6 different ways and not what I really wanted. When I read some posts giving help I laugh at not the post itself giving help but the reader contorting his body in front of the computer trying to feel what the poster is trying to relay.

Again for the most part I do read some good advice, but I know from simply reading that some of the posters giving advice have never spent time in a cage working with a hitter or more importantly hitters of various skill level. I am not trying to sound pompous or come off as a know it all. I just hate seeing a hitter get more confused and screwed up than they might already be. Or a player that’s on the right track getting set back.

Anyone else see the hitting forum as a bad idea for instruction or a bit dangerous at times?
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I don’t think the hitting forum itself is a bad idea. I certainly would not use it for instruction purposes, maybe advice and tips for improvement. But not instruction.

I agree that there are some great posts and great answers to questions here. I have to admit, I thought I was the only one that giggled while envisioning someone in front of their computer screen trying to make their body do what a poster was attempting to describe.

In the end this is a forum on the World Wide Web and you get what you pay for.
I don't love the idea of having a public forum for instruction. Which is why I typically tell people what I believe needs to be done and tell them to send a PM if they want more help or information from me.

The issue with this forum (as an instructional tool) is simply the many diametrically opposing views on the board. For example (as you know), I'm really big on "use the hands properly, use the rear hip/rear leg properly". Someone else disagrees, and says "throw the hands" or "drive the elbow to the hip".

The effect of this is just to confuse people. In many cases, it confuses people a lot. So, I would say that the best usage of this forum involves directing people to other sources, whatever they may be.
Originally posted by shortnquick:
I cringe when I see a Topic labeled as “Evaluate My Son’s Swing” or something like that. The poster puts on a video of his son and asks for help or instruction on corrections. I do not think it’s a good idea to do. There is no checks and balances on the person giving the advice or instruction. I see great answers at times to these questions and at other times answers that are posted just to show off a bit of knowledge on how the body works throughout a swing. Knowing how it’s supposed to look and teaching how to get there are different. Knowing how it’s supposed to look is maybe the first step in, “how to get there” but it’s not enough to give much instructional advice and could do more harm than good.

If I gave 6 people reading this, 10 steps in written command (non hitting, just movements) on what to do with your hands, legs, feet, arms, waist and head….I’m sure I would have 6 people looking 6 different ways and not what I really wanted. When I read some posts giving help I laugh at not the post itself giving help but the reader contorting his body in front of the computer trying to feel what the poster is trying to relay.

Again for the most part I do read some good advice, but I know from simply reading that some of the posters giving advice have never spent time in a cage working with a hitter or more importantly hitters of various skill level. I am not trying to sound pompous or come off as a know it all. I just hate seeing a hitter get more confused and screwed up than they might already be. Or a player that’s on the right track getting set back.

Anyone else see the hitting forum as a bad idea for instruction or a bit dangerous at times?

there are a few guys on this board and another board I frequent that know more about the swing than almost any REAL coach instructor owner of a training facility etc etc.After awhile when you DIG hard enough yourself and experiment you'll know what is right and what isnt.Its the guy that calls himself a hitting coach who doesnt even know how to teach a kid the RIGHT lower body load who is dangerous..I spent enough money having some guy throw my kid baseballs for an hour saying nice job.thats a WASTE..digging up the answers yourself isnt.
there are a few guys on this board and another board

That is my point and Im not sure if you are agreeing or not that this forum is not the best place to show a video and try to get instruction from a post. Sure there are a few guys, as you put it, that might give good, productive, understandable advice...but what about all the others that also post suggestions that are not the few you speak of. The person looking for the information probably can't read through what is good info and what are empty words that could hurt a hitters progress.
Originally posted by shortnquick:
there are a few guys on this board and another board

That is my point and Im not sure if you are agreeing or not that this forum is not the best place to show a video and try to get instruction from a post. Sure there are a few guys, as you put it, that might give good, productive, understandable advice...but what about all the others that also post suggestions that are not the few you speak of. The person looking for the information probably can't read through what is good info and what are empty words that could hurt a hitters progress.

like anything in life you sift thru the information try it and see what works for you and dismiss the rest..the world is full of bad information ..its up to you to get to the "truth"
This is an interesting topic. Anyone that has decent hitting knowledge will think and will have the same concerns as “shortnquick”.
Explaining the hitting sequence in writing can be very confusing to anyone trying to learn from it.

Any newbie or beginner can assume that what they read is right. Also the same information can be interpreted in different ways as mentioned above. I will say that even some of the hitting articles that you read on the internet can be very confusing for most people.

With experience and some testing people will eventually differentiate what is right and what is not so right.
Last edited by Albert Pizarro

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