2016 received good/fairly detailed written evaluation from his team coach at Stanford All-Star camp (and looks to be a potential prospect with that coach's program). Would it be considered poor form to share that evaluation with other coaches/schools as part of the recruiting/marketing process?? My gut says "yes" (which should probably end my inquiry there). If not a bad idea, seems like that evaluation would carry more weight than a summer team or school team coach's recommendation.
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Will your son participate in the 17th Annual Northwest Championships next week in Centralia, Washington.
Yes, he is attending and looking forward to the Senior NW Championships next week.
What team is he playing for?
Washington Metro East
I am not sure in what context this would be shared. If your son has a program that is interested in him they will come out to see him themselves and form their own judgement. If he is just contacting a school then a simple email with a profile and a link to some video would likely all he would need, at least initially.
I don't necessarily think that showing it to a coach who asks would be inappropriate, but just not sure how and why it would be shared.
If it comes up in a conversation with another coach your son could say "I played for so and so from xyz university at the Stanford Camp. I guess you could put this in a reference area of his profile, as long as he got permission from the other school.
I am not sure in what context this would be shared. If your son has a program that is interested in him they will come out to see him themselves and form their own judgement. If he is just contacting a school then a simple email with a profile and a link to some video would likely all he would need, at least initially.
I don't necessarily think that showing it to a coach who asks would be inappropriate, but just not sure how and why it would be shared.
If it comes up in a conversation with another coach your son could say "I played for so and so from xyz university at the Stanford Camp. I guess you could put this in a reference area of his profile, as long as he got permission from the other school.
In terms of the "why," I guess I was thinking it could be a nice "add-on" to e-mail contacts along the lines of "In addition to the above videos/information, I wanted to pass along the attached evaluation obtained at the recent . . ." But, your point is well taken; coaches are not going to rely upon another coach's evaluation, they need to perform their own. Thanks!
When did you receive the evaluation? Did you get it by email or snail mail?
My 2017 has not yet received his from the All Star Camp session #1. We are wondering if it is time to track it down as it is over a month, and would like to see it before heading to Headfirst this week.
I think BOF answered the question for you as I might have.
When did you receive the evaluation? Did you get it by email or snail mail?
My 2017 has not yet received his from the All Star Camp session #1. We are wondering if it is time to track it down as it is over a month, and would like to see it before heading to Headfirst this week.
I think BOF answered the question for you as I might have.
Arrived 2 days ago via e-mail from team coach directly. Thx.
There have been a few threads on this here lately and I think the general consensus on "marketing" your son is to keep stuff simple and easy to navigate for a recruiting coach. My son did a one page bio that he could cut and paste into emails, and probably the most important thing on them was references, his HS coach, his travel coach and a couple of pro scouts who had seen him. If a program is really interested they will contact one of the references, so it might be worth it to get the approval of the coach at the camp (your son does this) to list him as a reference. Part of the conversation could be about where the coach REALLY see's your son fitting in the overall hierarchy of baseball skills.
Good luck!