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From University of Michigan Tweeter Communications:

"Rumored Coaching Candidates for Michigan Baseball
I stumbled across what looks to be a pretty good source for college baseball coaching rumors—a Twitter account called Skippers Dugout. Whoever is behind this account has tweeted a number of times about the Michigan job, with some interesting rumors that I haven't seen posted here before. On June 12, there was this one:

Hearing #Michigan has possible interest in former legend Chris Sabo. Been told AD Brandon wants "Michigan Man".

— Skippers Dugout (@SkippersDugout) June 12, 2012
Also on June 12:

Also heard from sources one current head skipper at an #ACC school has interviewed at #Michigan.

— Skippers Dugout (@SkippersDugout) June 12, 2012
This is likely a reference to Erik Bakich, current head coach at Maryland, given this tweet two days later:

Sources tell us #Maryland HC has been talking w #Michigan.Still hearing former Red and UM alum Chris Sabo as well. Will Sabo wear the specs?

— Skippers Dugout (@SkippersDugout) June 14, 2012
Bakich looks like a pretty good option. His Maryland profile says this about him:

Bakich, who is the youngest head coach at any BCS school, has a remarkable record of recruiting and developing elite talent. In the last 10 years he has coached 73 players that have been selected in the MLB draft, including 25 in the first five rounds and nine first-round picks.
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All: Ever since Eric was hired I have consistently communicated that he was not the right fit for U of M. Many accused me of purposely bashing the Maryland Baseball Program. As a former U of M alumni and and proud contributor and have always been proud and supportive of the University. My opinion was based in my interactions with the Coach when he was an assistant at Vandy. And guess what. I was right. Now the Program has to start all over again and all the incoming recruits now have the option to go else where. All I can say is "I told you so!"
First, strongly suggest seeing medical help.

Two, maybe write down a web site ID & password.

Three, Coach Bakich bashing since demo of rudeness to him w/r to recruiting to attend Vanderbilt continues. Get over it.

Four, he had some grand collegiate experiences. Sorry about his performance at the last college game ended after 3 1/3 innings and at Terpville. Is anyone really surprised at the end of the collegiate career, not drafted? So stop with the Glory Days, Private vs Public, Pre-Season All Star Team, etc.

Five. Why is it the grandmother-in-law, in attendance at Maryland and loudly voicing her opinion, does not care about your whereabouts?

Six. Suggest getting a life, and advised on multiple occasions.

Seven. How can you comment negatively on this young and energetic coach accepting a new Head Coaching position in the Big 12 and for $350,000 + camps (~ $150K), with a bigger house, a better loan to purchase it, a 2nd child on the way, a new stadium to be built, and higher heating bills.

Eight: Just as the sun will come up, Maryland Baseball will continue. The National search for the Head Coach has suitors lined up. Doesn't have the pay close to Michigan.

When you don't get it, you don't get it.
I think the coaches are treated more fairly than the players.

Do I think a coach should have to sit a year before he takes a new job?

Do I think the coach should have to ask his boss for permission to look for a new job (I think they call that a release)

Do I think that players get a raw deal when they'd like to look for a better playing fit? Do I think the players have a "vacant" year when they make a switch? Do I think that players should be upwardly mobile in their college/playing aspirations without penalty?

Originally posted by Baseballfan29:
Yes. You are free and clear to pursue other programs. It is a sad situation for those U of M players that are still invested in the Program.

Coaching Change
A prospective student‐athlete signs an NLI with an institution, not with a coach. If the coach leaves, the prospect is still bound by the provisions of the NLI.
Why is it, as Berra would say [and after watching the Univ of Michigan Press Conference and hearing the Ann Arbor radio station], is this Deja Vous All Over Again.

The Energizing Bunny is alive and well, and living in Ann Arbor. Sounds like Sean Kenny is leaving to be with the Nor-Cal youngster.

The over under is 5 yr. Any takers?
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