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Not to start another weighted ball thread, but please understand that this is not the same thing as the weighted ball program always discussed here. Also, I am not lending an opinion one way or another regarding the benefits of using weighted balls.

While there could be similiarities in the ideas behind both, a 3 lb baseball is more like a shotput!
The 3 lbs ball is most likely one of those jelly balls. My son's PT has him use one as part of his rehab and maintenance program for correctinga muscular imbalance he had. He catches it tossed to him from a height above his reach, completes the throwing mothion then reverses the throwing motion and flips it back up to me. I is supposed to help him strengthen and muscles responsible for decellerating his arm.

As PGStaff pointed out, this is different then throwing balls a few ozs heavier or lighter to build arm speed.
There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. If you are interested in this sort of program I urge you to contact some sort of baseball specialist, i.e. personal trainer, pitching instructor. An arm injury can end your baseball career, it is something you shouldn't mess with on your own.

Does anybody have and documention or experience with weighted baseball training that they would like to share ... I am interested in learning more, but as of right now I am still a sceptic.
Throwing at 100% effort is probably more key than the extra weight of the ball.

The arm weighs much more than even a 12 oz. weighted ball so it's more about speeding up the arm then it is about the resistance.

Has there ever been a study of just throwing a 5 oz ball at full effort over the that same period of time?

I'm willing to bet that you will get the same amount of gain just by the increased effort with just a regulatiion weight ball!

But then again that knowlege would hurt all those sites trying to sell you weighted balls!!!
Last edited by Top_Prospect

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