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PR should be very strong in 2008.

What is interesting, is when you look at the top 50 teams in the country. I believe the 2007 wins and loss records are found next too each team on the right hand side of the page. PR has the worst wins lost record out of all of those teams.

PR will be solid this year
First, Having 5 Division One athletes makes you a powerhouse, I had 5 DI's we finished 4th in state and lost to New Trier in the State Semis (2000), I think they too had 5 DI's. Secondly, Matt Royer is on staff at PR, he will be coaching the infielders, he was released because he stood behind his beliefs in opposition of the athletic director. Lastly, any recognition at the national level is an incredible honor.
Playball2 ...with all due respect.....I'd say a team is a powerhouse when it wins a ton of games. In HS many teams have had great seasons only to lose early in the playoffs. It is so easy to lose a baseball game and I don't think you have to finish as a champ or close to it to be considered a powerhouse.

I'd call PR a powerhouse more based upon their record over the years than what they might be this year. They have been a factor in their Sectional just about every year (except last year when they had all these D-1 guys) and for that you have to call them a powerhouse.

To go from a 19-16 record to number one in the state with no new key players is a stretch. They don't have the pitching depth to rank that high for the course of the season. I think that the five D1 players are fooling the Baseball America people before the season starts. To call them a powerhouse is definitely premature. With that being said, their core players work as hard as any players you'll see. Whatever they get at the end of the season, they will have earned.
It is true that Prairie Ridge will be facing tougher pitching... good teams face good pitching. PR's team has a lot of experienced players that have seen pitching at the national level though with summer teams and such. I know we face PR, and if you check out their schedule on their website... it won't be an easy ride..

They face teams such as Fremd, Carmel, Prospect, Whitney Young, Palatine and play in the Schaumburg Flyers Classic BEFORE their conference play begins. They also face Lake Zurich and Neuqua Valley as well in their schedule.

What I have heard is the new coach's commitment to practice practice practice. The college coach from Virginia is all about teaching as well. The upside to this weather putting things back in terms of start of season works to PR's favor. The learning never stops and the more time they have to gel in practice will benefit the group as a whole with new leadership. No shortcuts...just players all working hard. The bullseye is on their backs and that is exactly where it belongs. All the " press clippings " burn just as fast as it has been written.
Yeah but the average bear is missing one very key point about last season...Swank was hurt and didn't pitch for the first 2/3 of the season and was never 100 % on the mound. Martini got hurt and missed the last 1/3 of the season and Mitroff was out for 1/2 of the season with a slight tear in the ligament in his wrist. If they can stay healthy and that is a big if...then maybe they reach their team goals.
First. Thanks Play Dog. I appreciate it. Second, PR lost three games in the last week of the season to two sophomore pitchers and one freshmen pitcher in their division to get knocked out of first place. They had everyone healthy except Martini. They had Law last year though and I don't think they will be replacing his bat in the lineup this year. Also, I'm quite sure that their competition had their share of injuries also.

You may be doubt that PR has had its lunch handed to them. They lost their swagger for the past few games. They made some major line-up changes offensively and are addressing their defensive issues. They won last night with their 8,9 pitchers against a # 2 for South. But clearly the pre-season rankings was just fireplace paper. There is some competitors that want to win and I will wait till the final bell to either salute your thoughts or wink.

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