I'm sure someone else on HSBW has run into this problem. Since I was little, I have always played baseball in the spring and summer and football in the fall with no conflict. I am entering my junior and finally their is a conflict. Mandatory practices for football start August 13th. This is my first year on a showcase team and our schedule runs all the way to October. I will have to miss practices and two games if I were to do both. I just don't think this would be fair to my football teammates. I don't know what to tell my coach. He has known me ever since I started playing school football in seventh grade and he expect me to put football over baseball once the season starts. I love baseball and have the desire to play in college and I know this is what I should be doing to be recruited. But I love playing football. I am so lost on what to do. My heart tell me just drop football, but I don't know how I can tell my football coach. Please, somebody help me out.
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