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For the most part pathetic. Baseball players are posers - not fighters. Look at all the posing going on in the video.

Without a doubt, the king of the baseball fight is Nolan Ryan. When Robin Ventura charged the mound on that fateful day way back when, a large man schooled a small boy on the art of fighting. After seeing that, I doubt anybody in their right mind would want to mix it up with the Von Ryan Express
Interesting, let's see if Castillo gets released immediately.

This is baseball which is a business, if he has decent stats, he'll be picked up immediately by another team and teams don't like that.

This is jut part of the ugly side of baseball that most don't see except in these situations.
Milton Bradley is proof of baseball's generally "redemptive" attitude.

And I strongly support second chances...
(thinking Josh Hamilton here)

re: Business

Consider this: As a basic business decision, bringing a player to Wrigley Field, who might fire one into the face of a four-year-old, may seem an unreasonable exposure to a lengthy law suit.

I wonder what Mark Cuban will think?
Last edited by HaverDad
more re: Business

I stumbled by this on the Cub-o-phile website Homers in Gloaming.

"15 players and the two managers were ejected, but were unejected when the Cubs and Reds big-clubs objected, as they did not want pitchers playing in the outfield, etc. The ejected players returned, and finished the game."

Gee.. don't you think they could have just cancelled the game?
Last edited by HaverDad
Just a few observations:

1) Julio Castillo needs to go to jail. Immediately.
And when he gets there - he needs a good beating or two.

2) When Julio gets out of jail - he needs another good beating. Just as a painful reminder that crime doesnt pay.

3) #30 - Robert Hernandez - is a gutless thug thats punches people from behind. He needs to get squared up - and laid out.
Originally posted by TPM:
This is jut part of the ugly side of baseball that most don't see except in these situations.

I don't like using the language "just part"

While it's hard for non-baseball people to understand, I do agree with the game policing itself on the field, i.e. throwing inside, plunking a guy every once in a while and sliding hard into 2nd.

However, what that pitcher did was not indicative of how baseball polices itself. It appears more to be a thug who was raised as a thug and doesn't know how to behave in a civilized society.

Look at the faces of the players and coaches behind him when he throws that ball. You can see several mouth the words "Oh my God!" They were just as shocked as we are.

I disagree with your third point about Robert Hernandez. If Hernandez is the guy that jumps on Castillo after he throws the ball (I'm not positive that's him, but I think it is), then I wouldn't consider him a gutless thug. Castillo just threw a ball, and he really fired that thing probably over 90 miles an hour, at that kid's dugout from not far away. Castillo literally could have killed someone. Hernandez didn't sucker punch him, he tackled him. Had he sucker punched him, then I'd agree with you. However, in that situation, Castillo needed to be taken down, and Hernandez was the closest to him. I think it's safe to say that had we seen somebody do that, we wouldn't have run in front to him before fighting him. Castillo looked possessed after he threw that ball.

Robert Hernandez is NOT the player that jumped on Castillo.

Robert Hernandez is a thug teammate of Castillo - and his number is #30.

Robert Hernandez is a gutless thug that punched people in the back of the head while they had their back turned.

Robert needs to go to jail with Castillo - and like I said - he needs someone to square him up - face to face - and then knock him out. Cold.
Originally posted by TPM:
I doubt Castillo (who went for the head) did that on his own. Sounds to me that this game was out of control way before the brawl, that's the umpires fault.
The brawl didn't begin until one manager pushed another.

Noone told him to throw it in the dugout at a player about 15 feet away. If you want to fight someone, fight them, dont throw a baseball at them.

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