why would anybody think about not going to a showcase that has all the top schools committed
to being there?the northeast was always treated
like a stepchild,the showcases that are put on would very seldom have schools attend outside
the northeast[college select,top 96,blue chip,
select fest etc.]that is not saying there is anything wrong with any of these.however,many players and there parents wouldn't mind being exposed to the major school throughout the country.the last time i checked,exposure is what it's all about in recruiting.baseball on display is bring all the schools,n.e.and the
big out of the area schools to you.they also have many of the top players from the n.e.and
canada that will be there.without spending big
dollars on airfare,rental cars and extra time away for travel going to the south[all the recruiters will be in n.y.]you can stay in the
area and this showcase brought everthing to you
these are the some of the schools that have committed to being there;miss.state,boston college,clemson,u.of tenn.,wake forest,vanderbilt,u.of virginia,u.of s.florida,
cental florida,florida atlantic u.,stetson u.,
univ.of south carolina,pittsburgh,notre dame,
unc,unc greensboro,unc ashville,unc wilmington,
michigan state,illinois,florida state,florida,
alabama,missouri state,cental missouri state,
mercer,jacksonville u.,dartmouth,college of
charleston,f.d.u.,pepperdine,long beach state,
lamar,lipscomb,georgia tech,elon,southeastern
louisiana,v.c.u.,and many,many more.
is it me or am i at a different movie?why would a good play not want to be where all the schools are?
thank you