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Assuming you are talking about college ball, weekends are usually involving conference games.  Weekdays are non-conference games.  Obviously, conference games are much more important to the team, so the better pitchers will be starting them.  Weekday games will usually have the next tier of pitcher.  Best relievers will also usually be pitching on the weekends due to the importance of the conference games.  


Of course all games are important, but usually the best pitchers are used on the weekends. 


Hope that helps.

I assume you're asking about college. I weekend pitcher is in the rotation pitching conference games and pre conference series. A weekday pitcher pitches nonconference weekday games. The weekday starters are either an heir apparent to next years weekend rotation or a non rotation pitcher the coach is just trying to  get some work to keep him sharp.

Originally Posted by RJM:

I assume you're asking about college. I weekend pitcher is in the rotation pitching conference games and pre conference series. A weekday pitcher pitches nonconference weekday games. The weekday starters are either an heir apparent to next years weekend rotation or a non rotation pitcher the coach is just trying to some work to keep him sharp.

Thank you! Interesting info. What about high school pitching  rotation? Any known pattern there?


Originally Posted by She91434:
Originally Posted by RJM:

I assume you're asking about college. I weekend pitcher is in the rotation pitching conference games and pre conference series. A weekday pitcher pitches nonconference weekday games. The weekday starters are either an heir apparent to next years weekend rotation or a non rotation pitcher the coach is just trying to some work to keep him sharp.

Thank you! Interesting info. What about high school pitching  rotation? Any known pattern there?


High Schools do one of two things. 1) They stay in rotation like a MLB team, or 2) Given enough rest they will match up pitchers against certain teams. 


When I played high school my coach matched up pitchers against certain teams as much as possible. My son's high school coach stayed in rotation. High school rotations are often only two or three pitchers given the number of games per week. Colleges have three game weekend series plus one or two weekday games.

Our HS will throw their top guys against league teams....if they're available.  With all the weather issues, rainouts, etc that doesn't always end up happening, but in most cases that's how it's done.  Our league games are typically Tuesday and Friday so the top guys will likely throw those days.  Due to the crazy schedules, a true "rotation" is nearly impossible for us.  The top guys will throw as soon as they are rested...the others fill in.

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