Players, especially high-profile recruits, need to be reminded not give out personal information without verifying the contact and how the information will be used. Don't get caught up in the glamor, but error on the side of keeping your personal information safe. I know it may sound paranoid, but it can get crazy with requests coming as phone calls, e-mails, paper mail, etc. asking for an interview or autograph. Some inquiries are legit, some are so-so, some can be down right scary.
(Didn't like those "I'm a young fan and have watched you play" letters asking for a player's signature on a blank card.... young fan, maybe, maybe not.) With the amount of information put in showcase/travel team media guides, its not too difficult to get a hold of your address and phone number. Just be cautious. Publicity can be a lot a fun .... when it is coming from a legit source.