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Baseball has some pretty unique terminology and I have a hard time explaining to my sons where certain terms come from. So I'm hoping some of our experienced baseball folks here can help with the origin of the following terms....

texas leaguer
Baltimore chop
butcher boy
can of corn

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
------------------------------------------ I'm a schizophrenic...and so am I.
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*frantically waving my hand and making snorting noises*

Can of corn comes from the General Store days when canned vegtables were placed on high shelves and grocery boys would use a picking stick to knock them down off the top shelf and catch them...with the meaning that the outfielder didn't have to expend much effort to get under a ball that was basically coming right down on top of him

*swaggers back to his seat in the back of the class hoping not to have to wear the pointy hat again for awhile*

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