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Ever since I can remember, all I ever heard was that aluminum bats will lose there pop. Like most dads I would by a new bat every year due to size and growth of son. He has five seasons of AAU ball and 1 year of Freshman baseball. Every season he would start with a new bat. I bought him a -3 bat last year (Stealth). He was a 7th Grader so he didnt start every game but the bat was used for BP in the cages,games etc. This year he has been using the same bat for everything. There is a batting cage next to the school and when the weather is bad they go there and hit. The bat has hit thousands of baseballs and cage balls, so I figure I would get him a knew one to start the season. I have access to a Jugs gun so I decided to test the bat for pop. One of my sons friend has the same bat,and only uses it for games.(31-28) The test was simple, we used the same ball for every swing.

The exit speed of the ball was taken off the tee and here is what I found....

Son's bat with thousands more hits averaged 70.6 MPH after 5 hits.

Son's friend bat just like brand new averaged
70.4 MPH after 5 hits.

I know this proves nothing except my son will not get a new bat this year. I just thought with all the talk about Bats losing there POP after 100 or 200 hits this would be kind of interesting. This could be a good MYTH BUSTER show... We all know what the manufactors want you to believe...
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This is something I have long suspected. Of course the bat manufacturers want you to buy a new bat every year so they are going to recommend just that...
I have seen bat's lose their pop, I have seen bats that didn't seem to lose their pop....

If you only had a machine that could swing the same speed every time, you could prove your theory more accuratly... Time to call the Myth Busters...
Originally posted by Homerun04:
My sons usually dent their metal bats after two or three weeks if they are lucky. They get kicked out of games after a while.

This is ours too. One son had his replaced 2 times last year by Easton. What does son do ask for another of the same type of bat for Christmas. At least they do replace them!!

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