If he’s 11 y/o, sounds like he played LL last year, made All Stars, then got ‘recruited’ by a coach who put a group of kids together to form a “Travel” team. If this is the case, the coach is just letting you know you can use a “Big barrel” bat.
Go here:
www.justbats.comLook for a -10 or -8 bat. (that just means if the length of the bat is 30” then the weight is 20oz – for a -10 bat – that’s referred to as a ‘drop 10’. It would be 30” and 22oz for the ‘drop 8’)
Personally I would get him a -10 he could use right now in travel. Keep the Little league bat you bought, he’ll need it if he plans on playing Little League this year.
I would also look at a -8 bat (think cheap here) that he can use in batting practice. This will help him get used to a heavier bat. Ideally (and to simplify) you want your kid to swing the heaviest bat he can swing, and not lose swing speed. As in not struggling to get the bat through the zone.
If you have Middle School baseball in 7th/8th grade they are likely to use -3 bats as well. I’d get him a drop 5 (doesn’t have to be super expensive – find a model he likes from swinging it and scour Ebay. Lots of deals to be found). If no Middle School ball, then he’d likely be eligible to try out for HS baseball in 8th grade, then he’d definitely need a ‘drop 3’.
Kids adapt easily. Just got the local park or local indoor cage and toss him balls for Batting Practice, he’ll get used to that heavier bat in no time.
Every kid is different and physical size is not the only indicator of bat size.
Example from my kid who is now 15:
From about 8-11 he used a -9 or -8 in “travel ball” (remember ‘big barrel’) - Little League most bats were ‘drop 10 to drop 13’.
Right about 12 he started using a drop 5 in travel ball. We went to drop 10 in LL All Stars. He started using a drop 3 wood bat in BP right before he turned 12. He still uses wood now.
It’s not as complicated as it sounds. He’ll be fine. I have seen kids struggle who used really light bats (-13 in LL and drop -10 or lighter in ‘Travel Ball’) and then had to straight to drop 3 bats when HS ball (or Middle School ball) started. But most of these kids adjusted as well.
Good Luck!