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One of the common quotes in training for track is that "the only way to run faster is to run faster." This is in reference to overspeed training for running.

We use the same concept with bat speed. In stead of training with our gamer and a weighted bat, we also include a light weight bat or broomstick that we can swing considerably faster then our gamer. This teaches our body how to perform the exact same movement alot faster so that when we have a bat in our hands our muscles "know" how to more with more speed.

Not sure if that answers any questions or simply raises more...

Coach Dan
3.9 secs, doing it 150 times per day is only helpful if you are doing it 50 times per day correctly. There are a number of good bat speed program available that combine over and under load training with the idea of icreaseing bat speed. I think one is already mentioned. It gives you specific number of swings at specific weights to work on your improvement. Don't forget you need a device in which to measure your progress.
Most often the problem is not so much bat speed as adding additional movement from the moment that you decide to swing until the swing is completed.

The thing to seek is assuming the 'Load Position' before the pitcher releases the ball.

Once you decide to swing, all movement should be forward in the swing.

I have seen batters see the pitch, decide to swing and then go into some form of wasted motion.

Once the pitch is in flight to the plate, there is no time to back swing, lift shoulders, shift hips, raise front foot, or any movement that is not involved in the forward movement of the swing.

These are just a few examples of wasted motion that can be eliminated in order to be able to deliver the bat to the zone in order to increase the chances of making contact with the pitched ball.

Once all wasted motion is eliminated, then and only then should you seek to increase bat speed.
TR - The water is still cold in VA! Maybe you all have more of them "city slicker" heated pools up there in CT!

3.9 - Work on the bat speed, but also keep in mind that a slightly slower speed and getting the sweet spot on the ball will drive it farther than just ripping it. Of course faster with barrel head accuracy would be great.
Also don't remember where you are in school. Our HS team does 200 swings a day and I've talked to college kids parents that tell me they are doing 400 a day.
Hope this helps.
Tim Robertson

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