Had another interesting discussion today with a couple of high school baseball coaches. We talked at length about wood vs metal bats. One coach was all for making the change to wood. He cited all of the normal reasons people give for making the switch; a more true feel to the game, safer for the defenders and it makes the hitters better in the long run. Valid points to be sure. The other coach countered with the fact that you hardly ever see people dodging pieces of a broken metal bat at his games so he wasn’t convinced on the safety issue. And with his current budget, his program couldn’t afford to keep buying his team new wood bats all season anyway. Valid points as well.
I guess I’m one of those “have my cake and eat too” kind of people. When my kid is pitching, I love to see everyone using wood. When he’s hitting though, hearing that “PING” and watching the ball go and go kind of makes me smile… I’m obviously hopeless.
Should High School and College programs be required to use wood?