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As a lead off guy your job is to get on base, no matter how you do it--- The Mets SS Reyes today got his first BB as a lead off hitter this year--that isn't normal but his speed and bat keep him there--also keep in mind that you will be the lead off batter, in most cases, only once in a game--the first time up

You take it from there
slappo- get a good pitch to hit- no matter what the count- as a leadoff sometimes its good to take the first pitch- next time they will pipe a strike if they think you take it every time, keep them guessing and be aggressive on fastballs in your zone- what [part of quincy are you from, i grew up on gridley st -in quincy- right by the milton line
Heres my take on this. You are leading off the game and then that role is over. You might not lead off another inning the rest of the game. What I want in my lead off hitter is this.

#1- Mash the first pitch fastball over the plate.
#2- Be disciplined dont get out on a bad pitch especially the first one you see.
#3- Be agressive if you get a good pitch but be patient if you dont.
#4- Be a good baserunner.
#5- Be a good bunter.

The fact is anyother hitter in the order could lead off more than you in a any particular game. You are guaranteed to lead off only once a game. I dont believe in taking good pitches for the sake of taking pitches. I want a kid in the leadoff role to send a message to the opposing team. That message is this. If you think you are going to get ahead of us by throwing a first pitch fb for a strike you are wrong because we are going to hit it. If you think that we are going to chase bad pitches you are wrong. Other than that just get on base anyway you can. Just like all the other guys in the line up. Good luck.
To be a good leadoff, you simply must understand your role: To be the ignitor of the offense. It really doesn't matter HOW you get your offense firing on all only matters that you CAN. I have had leadoff hitters that walk a ton, some with high averages, some with great speed, etc....but the way I judge their effectiveness comes down to one concept: RUN PRODUCTION. Are we scoring runs with them in that slot? Do they generally find a way to get us rolling? I personally don't care about a guy being a "conventional" leadoff guy...I simply need a guy that provides the spark for our team offensively.
Good luck - leadoff is a lot of pressure, but it is a great role for a confident player.

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