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After observing a recent legion baseball game where I was told that Post 113 was dominated by Bayside players, I would have to question these recent statements. They're a solid group of young men however, with PA returning Tomchick, Ocean Lakes returning a few stars and other schools being tough to get past, including Cox, FC and Kellam, Im not positive that you can say that a state tournament appearance is probable. Again I do think these young men are solid ballplayers and there capable of being as great as they want to be, I personally dont think they'll get to regionals next year.
Bayside will have a ton of talented players coming back next year, but it is hard to believe that they will be frontrunning the Beach being better than Cox, Salem, OL, Kemps, PA, and FC. These 6 are going to be pretty good to. Personally I think that Cox, PA and FC are going to be loaded. These teams lost alot, but their JV teams were awesome and they have some experienced pitching coming back. Salem's whole team has 2 years playing experience, so they might even be good next year,(but every year is supposed to be the year they are good)
The district race should be a good one, how long until March????
id like to correct you 113 has 6 bayside players, tallwood has more players, around 8 or 9. and PA's ben tomchick is very talented but in my opinion, PA has no other standouts or pitching..and cox is losing their main players which contributed to most wins and have no other pitching that i know of...kellam will be decent but will not be a big threat...and FC is losing their pitching and did not do well at all this year against bayside and that will not change next year...Ocean lakes and salem will be tough competetors though...and who knows, maybe cox, kellam, PA, and FC will pull a "bayside" and suprise the Beach District next year...
6, I apologize. But come on lets get real, you find it hard to imagine that the yearly powerhouses like OL and PA wont work had and develop the talent? Bayside took a huge step in the right direction this year playing very well, but I dont see them getting to regionals next year, I see them having a decent year finishing 4th or so and losing in the semi's of the district trny.
I do not agree that discarding JV performances is accurate. There were many frontrunning schools that had senior dominated pitching staffs with good arms at the JV level. I know that PA, FC, and OL had good JV arms that will help experienced staffs. Beating FC twice is great, (as a Cox dad I think it is absolutely awesome), but if you don't think that Stubbe is going to have them back to an FC team you are mistaken. That team had all sorts of internal issues that many of us know nothing about. I know that they have quality pitching coming out their bums. I have a feeling as a team (Cox) that also swept them this year that they are going to be back.
Cox is going to be very good next year, yes we lost some big names, but the well is far from dry.
PA is the team to watch. They aren't losing as much as people think, and their pitching is not losing anyone, actually gaining little Tomchick.
You are right, as I have said, Bayside will have a talented team. This team has built itself into a solid contender. Just remember that the teams that are top flight in the Beach district, are top flight every year. They don't just build one team, they constantly are reloading with players that we fans haven't even heard of yet.
Didn't Bayside finish 7th only ahead of Kellam, GR, Landstown and Tallwood. They didn't finish ahead of any of the big boys, and it will be hard for them to do so next year either.
haha the big boys. wasnt it just a few years ago that green run was winning state titles. and im pretty sure you dont consider them big boys anymore. sure fc has been a contender for a long time but ever since wilson left the program has been slipping a little. i mean big boys? that means nothing. a name on the jersey means nothing. cox and fcs programs could never be as good as they were ever again. u just dont know. i just dont think its fair to assume a team like fc who has no solid pitching coming up, will just becuase theyre name is FC will be on top of teams like bayside and pa next year.
time will tell
and also. who cares about end of season record. where were pa and ol and fc(all of ur "big boys") when bayside was playin in the championship game. records are only good for one thing.makin districts. from there a team 5-15 could keep advancing and potentially win states
what are the records of the reg season really good for. wow pa went 17-3 or w.e on the year but were done first round. i jsut dont undestand ur comments at all beachbaseball. spoken like a true cox fan

but i will agree with u that some teams next year might have a one and done season. while oter schools call up younger talent. that fact is unavoidable. talent in the fc cox area comin out of lynnhavena and great neck and GNBL is very strong.
Last edited by lovemelongtime
why is it that the baysides, landstowns, and green runs always want to talk about how good they are going to be the next year during the offseason and they all end up not fairing too well...

you are putting a huge bullseye on your chest and you are making a huge mistake by doing so.

you should have just let everyone think you werent so good of a team and show everybody whats up instead of talking nonsense over the hsbaseballweb...

good luck to you...
These schools talk a good game this time of year, because they are excited about their prospects for next year. What I don't get is why Bayside fans feel just because they upset 2 teams in the district tournament that they are now the best team in the Beach. Yes they beat FC, but they lost to Tallwood. Until Bayside can handle the rigors of a 16 game season and post a 14-2 or 13-3 record, they are a team that is going to have to make a run in the tournament again.
I would be careful talking about FC's pitching. Living on this side of the city and hearing the Great Neck rumor mill, I feel that their pitching is going to be very good. They had a second team guy this year (Shawn Gayheart). They have a lefty who shut out PA 10-0 and the big junior catcher throws 85+. At Cox we have two righties that helped carry us to the district championship after Greg got hurt and have a very good rising sophomore.
You may want to listen to lmubb08's advice and take the low road when talking up Bayside. You want to surprise the good teams rather than having them looking forward to playing you. Bayside will be much more successful that way.
and also... GR did win a state title in the 90's, but that was before OL and Landstown opened. Since the redistribution of the students the Beach heirarchy has been the same. The top 6 have been the top 6 nearly every year, and unfortunately Bayside has rarely broken into that top 6, so assuming a championship next year is stretching it a little in my opinion.

But that is why we play the games.....see you in March
Having watched beach baseball for quite a few years, I have observed something over the past seasons that nobody has mentioned.
Coaching changes at some of the schools was very obvious while watching the games. Bayside is playing like a baseball team. Their playing level has drastically improved and with time and talent they are becoming a competitive team. Yes, they beat FC. They beat FC because they played well. They played great defense and FC could not hit the ball. As a matter of fact, in the first game, FC only had 5 hits and 3 were from the same player. FC did not have many internal problems. They had a few bad apples that should have been handled appropriately much earlier in the season. It is my opinion that if the leadership would have utilized the players that wanted to be there in the beginning and plucked the bad apples before they rotted the tree, the team would have done much better in the long run.
Anybody who watched Green Run has got to see that while they are just beginning a long rebuilding process, the difference was seen on the field. With a hard working, dedicated coach the program can greatly improve.
Finally, the schedule for the teams is not equal. Some teams do not play twice. The goal for all of the coaches should be to have the best team on the field during the district tournament. It is great to win districts, but the playing field is not dominated by the top dogs anymore. No team completely dominated. What a great season to be a fan. It was finally a year where anybody could win a game. Every team had a chance to win. Many of the games were 1 and 2 run games.
Hopefully next year coaches will insist on sportmanship, including themselves. Hopefully, they will insist on the student part of athlete.
Hopefully, they will help us mold the kind of player that as a parent standing on the fence, we can look at our child and be proud. Proud that while others were making wrong decisions, not just on the baseball field, they chose to make the right ones because they knew the coach would also make them accountable for their behavior.
Good luck to all of the teams next year.

Lynn Metheny
Originally posted by lmubb08:
why is it that the baysides, landstowns, and green runs always want to talk about how good they are going to be the next year during the offseason and they all end up not fairing too well...

Where have you seen anyone from Landstown or Green Run boast how good they are going to be good next year?

Others have stated that they can see an improvement
at Green Run this past year and could surprise a few people next year; I would tend to agree.
I like what their coach is doing and how the players have bought into his program.

My post reflected on what Landstown needs to do in order to improve.
(Note to some Landstown players: Yes the way you are playing now noone would recogonize you, but you
must keep things in perspective and any chest puffing now could lead to future embarrassment)

Bayside had a great run through the Tournament; knocking out my predicted #1 OL. So, any post on what's going to happen next year may be a little overzealous.


I agree with you, anyone attempting to predict on what's going to happen nine months from now is a little foolish; with injuries/eligibility issues (hopefully this does not happen to anyone/team) as potential factors.
Okay, I have not signed on in a while but i basically flipped when I read this message. Bayside has no chance, and I mean NO CHANCE in making it to regionals, and Im going to pretend like you guys didnt say that they have a state tournament chance. They make a run in the tournament, yeah it happens, but to make predictions like your making is ridiculous. You said PA only has Tomchick as a big name??? Tomchick made 2nd team all region and Sam Burge went 5-1 as their #2. FC? They will be stacked next year, they have plenty of talent with Geayhart, Justin Smith, Blake Boyce, and Garret Anderson all coming back. OL? Frankie Lewis, Pat Hall who both had great years as a Junior and Sopomore. Landstown? They are growing? I beleive they are losing 6 seniors, and 1 of them started. They work hard and they will shock a lot of people in the district. AND HOW DARE YOU SAY GREEN RUN TALKS SMACK BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS?!!!???!!! Green Run has worked hard to just make the improvement that they have winning 0 (ZERO) games last year. They have came a long way, and they will schock people next year with a lot of returning players and their diligent work ethic. And Bayside was a good team, not going to lie. There was maybe 3 kids on that team who dont have horrible attitudes and tempers. (Not including Wil Armistead and DeAndre). But there is no way for Bayside to be getting all this hype already. They will not win the beach, not make a state tournament appearance or regional appearance, just leave it at that.
Well said Stoney. Although Im going to guess your from Green Run, great strides would mean winning a game. But yes its sad to think that one tournament run means a state title appearance. I might even say Salem will be better than Bayside next year although pitching needs to be developed. Well I am hoping this will continue the conversation......
As much as it I don't want to say it, teams like Bayside and Green Run will continue to fight for the bottom parts of the standings in the district for a while. As much as I would like to see different teams winning titles I don't think that it will happen. The reason is because not many parents want their kids to go to these schools, be it because of bad areas, sub-par academics, etc. Any decent talent that comes up in the rec leagues around these high schools usually either transfers to a school with a winning program (FC, PA, Cox, etc.) or a school that resides in a better area of the city. The parents also want their kids to get noticed by colleges, so playing on a better team will get them the looks they want because of other players on the teams. I'm not saying that there are zero good players at these schools because there are some really good ones. But not many scouts are going to come to games to see one player on one team, so parents that have a little money and can afford to move their kid to a different school for this will usually take that chance...
no chance at regionals for bayside?
they are only really losing bussy. how can you talk down to a team that was one win away from regionals when your team hasnt won a game in the past 8 years/
im not saying anything bad about any other schools either.
i really think there is like 5 or 6 schools that could win districts and go to regionals and compete there
dont get defensive just becuase your team isnt one that has that chance
I am curious which bayside players/coaches are in this thread at the moment. Bayside will not see the top 10 in the area next year in the paper because Jami Frankenberry just like everyone else knows that Bayside caught a good break. Bayside will finish 6th at best next year and will not be sharing the field at ODU anytime soon. Again I ask to these bayside players who I know are talking their team up, how much did you pay to get into the regionals and watch? Because you might want to start saving up to watch again next year because Memorial Day weekend will feature Great Bridge, Hickory, Granby, Maury, Ocean Lakes, PA and then 2 solid peninsula teams which wil include most liely Denbigh.Obvioulsy early predictions but meant to prove the point that no yellow and red teams will see the field.
what break? there was no break....a break wouldve been for them to have played green run or landstown...they played and beat PA and Ocean lakes, two very good and top seeded teams in the tournament, that is no break...that just shows when those boys pull together and work hard they have the potential to beat any team in the beach district, some people dont give them enough credit, just accept they are turning things around and realize they will be one of the toughest competetors next year
3 points to make here:
1. fc will be back with a vengence next year-- a 5th place season with 10 wins is an aberation for that program. i can just about guarantee that they will not lose to bayside twice next year. i believe that bhs scored 3 runs total in those 2 wins last year and fc should be improved offensively with that hitting dome going all winter long.
2. great bridge will be a force next year. they were young this past season and have not gotten out of the region in a few years now. i would wager that will change in 2008. kempsville was fortunate to knock them out of the region last year. coach lee runs one heck of a program and he will have them ready.
3. the beach plays good baseball but some of you posters need to get out of the city and take a look at the talent in the rest of the state. deep run will likely have something to say about the state championship as will denbigh. i am sure that the rest of the state chuckles when they read some of the back and forth smack talking that seems to be exclusive to the beach/ south hampton roads. i am sure that they shed no tears when beach teams get bounced out of the regionals or states. think about that a bit and how the smack talk probably helps motivate the rest of the state. check the other states message boards and i will bet you do not see anything like the back and forth junk we have in virginia--- especially in the beach.
first off. bayside did catche abreak. who do they have pitching next year? **** *****? toping out at 80 maybe 81. that wont get it done in the beach. and in the southeast western branch and great bridge should be the top teams with western branchs whole starting lineup being juniors this year. and bayside should barley squeak into the district tournament. the top teams will be cox, fc, pa and ocean lakes. just like usual. you guys sound like a bunch of 5th grade girls. and talkischeap. green run won a state title in '95. when is the last time bayside won one? guess talk really is cheap...

***edited by redbird5 ****
Last edited by redbird5
yeah this is pointless. bayside has always thought there better than they are. they think they can make it to the state tourney with teams like deep run james river denbigh and oakton. psh yeahhhh ok. but keep thinking that youll just be more disappointed after you dont make it out of the beach next year.
this is how the beach will be...

1. cox or fc
2. fc or cox
3. pa
4. ocean lakes
5. salem
8. bayside
9. landstown
10. green run
11. tallwood
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