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"Be careful" was a common phrase when your kids or any family member was traveling in a car. The dangers of traveling in a car are obvious. But times have changes. Now we need to say "be careful" to our kids whenever you get around other people". My brother emailed me about my niece's experience yesterday.
His email:
My daughter Janeece called today to tell us about a shooting at one of the Seattle malls. She and a few of her girl friends had just got out of the movie when they heard gun shots and people screaming. Janeece climbed out of a second story window and jumped down onto an awning and then slide from there to the street. Her husband was close by because he was picking her up to go to dinner. She was able to call him and got the heck out of there. The news reports 2 people being shot. Not fun.

Mall Shooting
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There is really not much you can do if a random shooter decides to unload without warning. You can carry a concealed weopon but those are no good if the shooter starts firing while you have your backed turned and are ordering an ice cream cone at the local mall.

No place is immune. We have Columbine High School, Jonesboro Arkansas Elementary, Northern Illinois University, Virginia Tech University, The DC Beltway Snipers, Kip Kinkel in Eugene Oregon high school, the Amish School Shootings in Pa, the New York Subway shootings, the University of Texas Clock Tower, and so it goes...

I do believe the notoriety of these things begats more of the same and I have no clue what to do about it.

I have been to Seattle dozens of times and it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It also seems like a very safe place to me. Not sure how one prevents random violence. Stay holed up in your house 24/7? What if some nutcase sets your house on fire?

Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
What if some nutcase sets your house on fire?

Thankfully, here in Illinois, they haven't outlawed these...yet!

Here are a couple of comments following the article from readers concerning the shooting incident...

Posted by dedanann at 11/22/08 6:50 p.m.

This couldn't possible have occured at Southcenter, it is a gun free zone.

Posted by Slarjnor at 11/22/08 9:22 p.m.

BAN THEM! Hasn't this gone on long enough? How many more people have to die? The danger is simply too great. Our society simply cannot afford to tolerate shopping malls any longer. We have to get rid of them.

I think they're on the right track!


And by the way Fungo...I am grateful and pleased that your niece was not harmed physically. She appears to have a very good head on her shoulders.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Having once worked at a bank branch within Southcenter, I can add that it borders some very rough neighborhoods. This isn't always the case, though, as we know -- sometimes these things happen in affluent areas as well. There are not many places you can go and expect to be completely safe these days, and it's such a shame.
Last edited by Krakatoa
I do believe the notoriety of these things begats more of the same

Modern day media does have its down side. It's scary to think the next whacko might be getting his ideas and plans from the media.

Is the media the single largest influence on behavior in the world these days? Not saying it's good or bad, but could the national coverage and certain types of modern journalism, be considered nothing more than advertising? Sometimes that advertising reaching the minds of some of the very most disturbed and dangerous people.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PGStaff:

Is the media the single largest influence on behavior in the world these days?


PG, funny you should ask such a question. I just read that they are contemplating banning commercials on TV that advertise fast food resturants. Why? They feel it has a huge influence on obese children and the message the commercials send. So to answer your seems it just might be.

Below is the link on the fast food ban.
I just heard that on the news about the shooting.

Here in very wealthy Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, we have a very exclusive mall. You cannot go by yourself anymore, a mother and daughter were shot in the parking lot and they think some other killings are related. They think that there is a serial killer around, but may have left the state.
The other night son was outside talking on his phone and a police car drove by to tell him to get inside, they had reports of gunfire.
This is a place and community where you would think that nothing like this could happen (the above).
I sent my son off to a little college town, where no one locked their doors and no crime, two years ago a student strangled, they caught the guy but no place is safe anymore.
Last edited by TPM
My son's college has a great warning system. I have had to alert messages this year. One a couple of armed people seen on campus and the other a couple were held up while waiting in a campus parking lot for a student to finish a class. This is just part of the new reality. Banning guns isn't the answer, punnishing criminals is. Most of these crimes are either drug related or mental health issues.
Not sure how one prevents random violence. Stay holed up in your house 24/7? What if some nutcase sets your house on fire?

I don't think the goal of individuals should be to "prevent" random violence but there are ways of recognizing "dangerous" situations before they happen and understand there are things we can do to AVOID getting involved in some of these situations.

If nothing else teach your kids how to be aware of their surroundings.
We actually live in the country rather than in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It's about 45 minutes away and very close to a very small town (farming community)... Population far less than 100 people.

Just in the past two weeks, in this town there has been a shooting (no one hurt) but charges of intent were filed. If that wasn't enough, the next week a man was arrested and charged with child molestation.

This tiny town doesn't have a policeman.

Guess, there aren't many places that are completely safe.
Fungo, I'm so glad to hear that your niece was not hurt!

"Guess, there aren't many places that are completely safe."

Unfortunately, that seems to be very true.

We live near a fairly good-sized city (Minneapols/St. Paul), and my husband is a police sergeant and wears a handgun even when off-duty, concealed by a shirt or jacket. I asked him why once, and he said that if trouble broke out and people's lives were in danger, he couldn't live with having been unprepared to do something. I hope he never needs to use the gun, but with the news around here, it wouldn't surprise me too much if he did!

ClevelandDad, Seattle is pretty safe. There's no rhyme or reason for these things although I'm guessing it's drug-related. It seems most of the crimes are and that's a fine place to start cracking down! Seattle has a reputation as a "tolerant" city and if they're not careful they'll turn into another downtown San Francisco, a true nuthouse with drugs everywhere.

I live in a town of 6,000 just east of Spokane. A beautiful lake city. The cops here are everywhere. They've even pulled me over for having a taillight out on my bicycle. God bless 'em.
Last edited by Bum
Don't laugh, Woody. With the economy the way it is it may be my main form of transportation soon!

P.S. Where's your tail lights? Hmm? Let's see your license and K-Mart warranty registration, Mr. Wood 4 Sale. And don't give me that "I know so-and-so local Chicago politician." That doesn't work anymore.. they've all moved to Washington!
Last edited by Bum

Originally posted by theEH:
Here you go Woody,
A race just for the Bum??

That's hilarious EH.

I tell you what...have I got a deal for these guys! Something they really need...

I've got hundreds of 'em.

Where'd I get 'em? Don't ask EH...let's just say that a good number of people visiting Sturgis, SD last August didn't make it back to work on Monday the 11th.


And with scissors?

Yup, they do!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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