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There was a recent thread on social media. I believe this story merits it's own thread.

Ten  years ago in a legal and public feeding frenzy three players from the Duke lacrosse program were charged with rape. The charges turned out to be false. But three players lives were ruined. A coach lost the premiere lacrosse coaching job. 

There was a fourth player who didn't receive as much notoriety because he wasn't charged. But he suffered just as badly.

Ryan McFayden went back to his apartment after the party. He got online and sent out an email that was a parody on required reading from a course. The book was American Psycho. The next day McFayden was investigated for conspiracy to commit murder. He was never charged. Duke told him he did nothing wrong. Yet they suspended him due to public pressure.

Upon graduation McFayden had trouble finding a job due to Google searches. When he got a job he lost it when a Google search was done. He ultimately had to change his name to get on with his life.

A friend's son played high school lacrosse with Reade Seligmann. At one point Seligmann said his name might as well be "formerly accused Duke rapist Reade Seligmann." The only thing these kids were guilty of was being stupid and entitled athletes.


** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

Last edited by RJM
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Public opinion and half truth stories can run like wild fire, regardless of truth. 

It reminds me of the time my son came home talking about how hairspray is ruining the ozone layer and China was the worst offender.  We had to dissect that sentence.  SOME hairspray AND other volatile chemicals are ruining the ozone layer, that is true.  China uses MANY volatile chemicals in their industrial endeavors , however, I would bet $10 that the city of Atlanta uses FAR more hairspray than the entire country of China.

I told him to go back and check his facts on WHAT in China was affecting the ozone layer. While it is true that SOME hairspray affects the ozone layer, and it is true that China is among the leaders in air pollution that affects the ozone layer, it is not necessarily true that hairspray use is the only cause of China's air pollution.

I'm not sure the schools are teaching critical thinking anymore...I wonder how many other half truths my son takes as fact.

I'm always hearing "he said...", "she said...", "they said...".  My first question is usually "Who said that?"  The factoid that my son just announced is very seldom attributed to some first hand quote and usually ends up being an amalgamation of offhand comments.  You should hear his theories on oil prices - either today's low prices or the high prices a few years back.  I shudder to think he might make a good politician, but he can certainly weave a good story out of random remarks.

I can deal with most of his pronouncements, but seldom let him slide when he starts discussing classmates.  I am all for collecting as much accurate information on who the good and bad kids are, but every now and then he will innocently pass along gossip.  We try real hard to make sure he does not take this at face value.  Way too easy to destroy a kid's character these days some other kid really wants to do so - especially when they have some position of power or influence.  Have not see it in action, but have read about social media campaigns which present fabricated stories that get traction and soon accepted as fact. 

Was watching a high school game the other day and listening to some other parents who had older kids at the beach on spring break.  Apart from their physical safety, some were hoping their kids came back unscathed from any social media miscues.

When you put "Duke" and "lacrosse" together you get entitled. There are certain colleges combined with certain sports where their athletes don't have to play by the same rules as others.

Ask Lawrence Phillips about "Nebraska" and "football." Or should I say had you asked before he killed himself after being incarcerated. He was so pampered and protected he couldn't deal with real life.

Last edited by RJM

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