There was a recent thread on social media. I believe this story merits it's own thread.
Ten years ago in a legal and public feeding frenzy three players from the Duke lacrosse program were charged with rape. The charges turned out to be false. But three players lives were ruined. A coach lost the premiere lacrosse coaching job.
There was a fourth player who didn't receive as much notoriety because he wasn't charged. But he suffered just as badly.
Ryan McFayden went back to his apartment after the party. He got online and sent out an email that was a parody on required reading from a course. The book was American Psycho. The next day McFayden was investigated for conspiracy to commit murder. He was never charged. Duke told him he did nothing wrong. Yet they suspended him due to public pressure.
Upon graduation McFayden had trouble finding a job due to Google searches. When he got a job he lost it when a Google search was done. He ultimately had to change his name to get on with his life.
A friend's son played high school lacrosse with Reade Seligmann. At one point Seligmann said his name might as well be "formerly accused Duke rapist Reade Seligmann." The only thing these kids were guilty of was being stupid and entitled athletes.