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Over under on this thread being locked?
Might as well get the pledge of allegiance in there while we're on the subject, the history of which I find highly amusing.
What religion is 'God Bless America'?
"Forcing people to stand and face the flag" I can't remember anyone pointing a gun at me.
You have some issues.
At the Astros games, we do the Cotton-Eyed Joe in the 7th.
What religion is 'God Bless America'?
"Forcing people to stand and face the flag" I can't remember anyone pointing a gun at me.
You have some issues.
GBA doesn't have to endorse a particular religion for it to potentially lead to issues.
What religion is 'God Bless America'?
"Forcing people to stand and face the flag" I can't remember anyone pointing a gun at me.
You have some issues.
God is religious. Are you done trolling yet?
Without accepting your first amendment argument (Congress has not passed any laws on this subject, so it's not a first amendment issue), I also am annoyed by the way singing "God Bless America" has become a ritual that has ruined the 7th inning stretch.
I'm willing to stand at attention, remove my hat, and face the flag one time per game--during the "Star Spangled Banner." That's it. Once that formality is concluded, I can enjoy the game however I see fit. "God Bless America" isn't a hymn. It's not the national anthem. I feel no obligation other than social pressure to stand still for it. And I sort of resent that pressure and find myself resisting it in small subversive ways. Seventh inning stretch is my time, and I don't like being told what to do during it.
The great thing about "Take Me Out to the Ball Game," insipid little song though it is, is that it's perfectly okay to stretch, scratch, drink a beer, sneak a kiss from your wife, jog to the bathroom or otherwise act in a relaxed and comfortable manner while the song is being sung.
Last I knew there isn't any enforcement police forcing anyone to stand and face the flag. Most do out of respect for this country and what the flag stands for.
Next time your at a game, feel free to not stand and acknowledge the flag or God - that's totally up to you.
I personally don't care if you stand or not.
You need to get a clue. The First Amendment is only applicable to governmental entities ( I won't even get into whether a song like God Bless America is allowable).
Private enterprises (like MLB teams) can pretty much play what they want. If you don't like it, stay home. I'll bet nobody wants you there anyway.
Last I knew there isn't any enforcement police forcing anyone to stand and face the flag. Most do out of respect for this country and what the flag stands for.
Next time your at a game, feel free to not stand and acknowledge the flag or God - that's totally up to you.
I personally don't care if you stand or not.
You need to get a clue. The First Amendment is only applicable to governmental entities ( I won't even get into whether a song like God Bless America is allowable).
Private enterprises (like MLB teams) can pretty much play what they want. If you don't like it, stay home. I'll bet nobody wants you there anyway.
Every MLB stadium is a public accommodation.
Harrassing or ejecting patrons of an MLB stadium for failing to stand during GBA is going to result in settling or losing a lawsuit if the patrons want to press it.
Moderator Comment:
If you want this thread to remain open, find ways to discuss the issue without attacking the person with whom you disagree.
If you want to trash talk, there are lots of other places where it is welcome.
This site aspires to a higher degree of civility. Share the aspiration and you will preserve your posting privileges.
Play nice.
What's wrong with American Pride? If you don't like it don't stand nobody forces you to. By the way has anyone noticed the more we remove God from our schools and public buildings the worse our schools and government become? Wake up America!
What's wrong with American Pride? If you don't like it don't stand nobody forces you to. By the way has anyone noticed the more we remove God from our schools and public buildings the worse our schools and government become? Wake up America!
I mean, it's not like unbridled nationalism has ever led to anything bad happening. we can just get rid of all those people who don't stand for the national anthem, or pledge allegiance to the flag, or worship god the right way...
When I go to wedding receptions, there are always the usual go-to songs played that I really don't care for (think Dancing Queen, Chicken Dance, Hokie Pokie). I don't complain and ask that they not be played and I don't let it ruin an otherwise great social gathering.
The Cubbies and Redsox have it right. Take Me Out to the Ball Park and Sweet Caroline. And we used to sing Thank God I'm a Country Boy at Memorial Stadium in B'more back in the day. (still a fairly secular sing along despite the title)
And you're right B'B's... things were so much better when we had God in our schools. I especially liked the "Separate but Equal" doctrine that was in force back in the good old days, not to mention keeping women in their place, gays in the closet where they belong, and no Irish welcome here.
Last I knew there isn't any enforcement police forcing anyone to stand and face the flag. Most do out of respect for this country and what the flag stands for.
Next time your at a game, feel free to not stand and acknowledge the flag or God - that's totally up to you.
I personally don't care if you stand or not.
The cop was totally out of line. It may have been his personal opinion, but in no way could he force the person attending the game to stand for GBA.
What's wrong with American Pride? If you don't like it don't stand nobody forces you to. By the way has anyone noticed the more we remove God from our schools and public buildings the worse our schools and government become? Wake up America!
No, not really.
Moderator comment:
If you want to argue religion and politics, take it to the private dialogs or to a site that welcomes such discussions.
This thread is closed.