There are many technique driven theories on how to best swing a bat and hit with consistency and power....Which camp you are in just depends on which kool-aid you drink....
PCR promoters say their theory is not about technique....They say it is a body movement theory.....
I agree with them in that efficiency in swinging a bat is not about technique....It is about how a hitter moves his body....
Getting hung-up on technique is a problem in teaching players how to hit, IMO....
MLB players move their arms up and down in different ways....Some stride, some don't....Some take longer strides than others....Some extend the front arm in the load more than others....Their stances are not all the same....Some hold their back elbow higher than others....
Do you copy one and not another?....If you teach technique, you must choose one to copy, or mix-and-match....Is this the way to go?
If you teach body movement, you are closer to learning what is going on in the MLB swing, IMO....
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