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I know the subject has been closed, but I wanted to say that I received the player evaluation from Mr. Bort today.

It would have been nice if it was delivered when promised, and without any influence that might have come from the recent postings here. My son ran the best 60 of his life at Concordia, on the turf football field there, so getting a record of that was important to us.

But I did get the evaluation today, there was thought and effort put into it, and I wanted to let everyone know that.
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Mr. Kosar thank you. I also wanted to advise the readers here of the following: The individual that is posting as Jay Mccann is not affiliated with Bergen Beach. We do not have anyone named Jay Mccann on staff. We do have a Jay Yennaco who was our pitching coach last season. He played for Steve in high school and was drafted by the Boston Red Sox in the 3rd round of the 1995 amateur draft. We also had a Brian McCann play two seasons for Bergen Beach, he was drafted in the 2nd round 2002 amateur draft by the Atlanta Braves and is currently with the Braves and I am pretty sure that both of them aren't posting here. I have deep respect for the parents, players and coaches that visit this site, we would obviously never attack a parent in this manner. I just ask that before you sharpen the blades try and determine who and what is behind the screen name and what their motivations could be. It looks like the individual posting here is doing so to hurt our recruiting efforts. I know it's hard to police anonymous message boards, just asking to give people and organizations a chance to respond. I just learned of it this morning. I would have signed in sooner to put a stop to it. Steve is working with the parent at resolving the problem that led to this.

As for the negative comments surrounding East Cobb and Associate Scouts. My son has played 4 seasons with Bergen and he also played with East Cobb at the Wrigley Classic and will play several tournaments with them in 2009. We have a great relationship with them as we do with many Associate Scouts, some of whom help coach.

Greg Pacyga
Last edited by Nazdad44
Originally posted by Nazdad44:
...I have deep respect for the parents, players and coaches that visit this site, we would obviously never attack a parent in this manner. ... It looks like the individual posting here is doing so to hurt our recruiting efforts.


When you state that "we would obviously never attack a parent in this manner", that would seem to be true of you, but previous threads, including someone claiming to be Steve Bort's brother, show evidence to the contrary. There has been a history of plenty of vitriol coming from BB reps.

The individual, Jay McCann, may indeed be trying exactly what you say. If so, I would look within, at former parents, players, coaches, because he seems to have a great deal of inside knowledge about BB that wouldn't be readily available to someone unaffiliated who was just throwing darts.

First thing I did when I saw his posts was try to ascertain who BB coaches were to attach validity to his claim. I couldn't find anything on anyone but Steve Bort. Judging from the tone of what BB publishes, I suspect it is that way on purpose.

There is plenty of smoke.
Last edited by CPLZ
baseball9r, thank you for this prompt note! I'm glad that things have worked out. I will do a search of J. McCann's IP and ask that a block be completed against that IP. Then, whomever posted it will have trouble in the future posting on this site.

I believe both parties have weighed in now and so, I'm going to lock this thread as well. I have my reasons.
Last edited by CoachB25
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