my wonderful husband Marv.
God has blessed our family abundantly over the course of our 30 years of marriage, but I can assure you all that with all that has happened with my health lately, I have developed a deeper appreciation (and love) for my husband. He has taken over all aspects of running the household while I have been ill, and now while I am trying to get back on my feet ... laundry, meals, grocery shopping, light cleaning ... all the while he gets up everyday at 4:30 a.m. to go to work. And now, on top of it all, he is preparing the entire Thanksgiving meal for our small group (his parents, my mom, his sister and brother-in-law ... AJ and Katie are in New York). Marv is a wonderful cook, anyway, but this is above and beyond the call of spousal duty.
So I am very thankful for my husband and all the personal 'sacrifices' he has been making on my behalf these past 4 months.
By the way, they call him Marvelous because he is ! ! !
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