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Hello All,
I am an asst, coach for my son's 15u team. We are currently playing in a BEST Baseball showcase. This is our first showcase tournament. We are playing in the 16u division just to get some experience and have really been looking forward to this weekend for quite a while. We are really dissapointed so far. The fields are scattered all over town, most look like ghost towns with no concession stands,nobody running scoreboards,etc. After 3 games, (two of which were back to back @ 11 and 2 today in 100 degree heat) I have yet to see anyone that remotely looked like a scout of any kind. In our last game, the field ump went down with heat exhaustion and had to be carried off by paramedics, so the head ump had me call his boss and ask for help. He told me to tell the ump to just do it by himself because he didnt have anyone to send. We ultimately lost the game on a blown call by him because he just couldn't see the play. I am saying all this to ask the following questions. 1. Are all showcases run this "loosley"? 2. How much exposure should we expect to get at one of these tournaments? 1 scout 5 scouts? no scouts? 3. Do the scouts that come to these events primarily focus on the 18u teams? I understand that they would BUT B.E.S.T. would have you believe that there will be scouts at most games. Like I said, this is our first showcase, and we know that we are really a little early in starting this but just wanted the boys to get a taste of whats coming. I just wanted to know if our expectations are too high or if this is just a $900 dollar lesson.
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Hello TP,
This was also our first experience with showcase tournaments. We did 2 PG tournaments and 2 BEST series. The difference was night and day. Literally no scouts attended the BEST series, and some, though not all, of the fields the kids played on were very poor. Your experience sounds like ours. Next year we will bypass them. In our experience this summer, PG is worth the expense involved.
The B>E>S>T tournament we did in Missouri in July was just awful told after a 3 pm game on Friday we may play at 9pm never happened. Saturday 9am and 12 pm games canceled by a Friday night phone call @ 12pm.

Told next game would be Sunday 4 pm. told them to take a hike. Suggest every tell them the same, no return calls or Emails on this issue.
Last edited by showme

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