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AHSpitcher17 is right on the money. if teddy ballgame didnt go to war he would have come very close to 700 homers. i'm not sure about hornsby because he didn't play in the modern era of baseball. ruth struck out more than anyone ever. ted williams was way ahead of his time as far as knowledge of the game; just read his book and you will realize this, given that he wrote it in 1970.
if you think that rogers hornsby is a better hitter that babe ruth you are CRAZY. You really dont know what you are talking about. Rogers hornsby did hit for a high average, but nothing out of the ordinary in that age. People were hitting .400 frequently. Its why Ted Williams wonders why people get excited over him hitting .400 when somebody had did it quite recently in his time. And in Rogers Hornsby's time, people were doing that alot, alot more than Teds time. That is a dumb argument, a better one would definatly be he also hit 42 homeruns on route to one of his two tripple crowns. But that still doesnt make him the greatest or even close. Now we have Babe Ruth. Babe more than doubled the previous home run record in a single season. That would be like seeing somebody hit over 150 homeruns today. TWICE IN HIS CAREER HE HIT MORE HOMERUNS IN A SEASON THAT ANY OTHER TEAM IN HIS LEAGUE. are you kidding me. I don't even want to say how many homeruns a player would have to hit to do that, buts its a heck of a lot more that 150. and in the babes day, the 200 homerun club was what the 500 homerun club is today. Please show me a hitter hit over a thousand plus homeruns in his career. please. Rogers Hornsby hitting over four hundred was like a player hit over .350, or .375, in our day in age. A tony Gwynn type accomplishment, except with a lot more power. babe ruth still hit in the .370s, much like a player hitting in the 3.20s or .330s today. And ruth his more rbis, but im a oakland As type man that says RBIs are a very situational statistic. So if the two were playing today, lets check their statistics:

Rogers Horsnby: .375 BA
Babe Ruth: 180 homeruns

are you kidding me
Ty Cobb without a doubt

"Beginning his career in 1905, Cobb played baseball through the period dubbed “the dead ball era.” During this era (1900-1919), players hit marginally fewer homeruns than players from other eras. The reason for this homerun shortage resulted from the baseball used at the time. Indeed, the ball had no life. Loosely wound, one baseball often served throughout an entire game. Moreover, larger ball fields also kept the homerun totals down (“1900-1919”). Legal pitches also included the spitball, a terribly hard pitch to hit, creating an advantage for the pitchers. Williams, on the other hand, played after the period entitled, Baseball’s Rebirth (1920-1945). Williams faced spitball-less pitchers and benefited from frequent baseball changes during a game, keeping the ball fresh and visibly white (“1920-1945”). Homerun totals increased because of these essential changes in the game."

and if you were a pitcher who would you be more afraid of?? TY COBB
ummm kssj9 it doesnt take much creative thought to copy and paste there buddy.
balls were just as dead when ruth played, and there were no new stadiums either. The deadball era was dubbed that because nobody hit homeruns, not becasue the balls were actually that much more dead. Ruth came along and changed baseball in a way that no athlete has ever done. So people started hitting some homeruns.
Your little quote there deals more with the trends of the entire leagues, not one player. How is it possible to compare ruth to cobb. ruth helped his team so much more than cobb offensively its sickening.
Who cares about cobbs batting average??? Ruth got on base more!!! it doesnt matter that he hit less, he was on base more. Which means he cost his team less outs, more chances to score, made pitchers go from stretch, cost the pitcher more pitches, made him throw fastball, etc... which all means that he helped his team score more runs than cobb did. you win baseball games by scoring more runs that the opposing team. Now we are talking only one category that ruth owned cobb in, and he owned cobb in several other more important cattegories, such as slugging %, homeruns (which are vital to succesful teams for reasons that would take a long time to explain) runs scored, etc.
And if cobb was so good at hitting for a high average and is due so much glory, then why were so many toher players doing it in his time?

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