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I agree with biggerpapi. If those numbers are accurate I would pick the schools HE is interested in and start sending them some information. PG National is invite only.

The Arizona Fall Classic is right in your back yard and is one of the premier events. I would get on a recognized Az scout team that goes there and you will be set.
Originally posted by TRhit:
the best showcase is the one that has the college coaches in attendance that the player desires to be seen by


Which means the player has communicated with the program and let them know he is going to be there, not just generally but with a time and a location.
Originally posted by Coach Bob:
Originally posted by redbird5:
Perfect Game National for your son and you have a PM.

What makes PG the best? Or any other for that matter?

Is it results, well run, the schools attending...what make a good one good and a bad one bad??

1) Do the college coaches show up?
2) Are the people running the showcase well respected? Will their opinion carry weight?
3) Does the showcase attract top talent?

PG gets A's on all 3.
I agree with TR on this one. It doesn't matter how well run it is if the player isn't interested in the schools attending. The problem with PG is that they don't tell you who is coming. At least they don't publicize it.

College coaches who were interested in my son either told him where they would be or asked him where he would be showcasing, sometimes both.

For high academic prospects, I hear Stanford is a must do event, especially for West Coasters. Academics and year of graduation aren't mentioned in the question, so can't comment. I assume the player is a 2014 or later, since there probably aren't many 2013 6 5 pitchers throwing 92 and wondering how to get noticed.

Welcome, and good luck.
Originally posted by jaggerz:

PG sure gets a lot of free publicity on this site.

That banner on the top of the webpage isn't free.

I'd challenge you to name 3 posters that provide more to this website directly than PGStaff. No disrespect to anyone else, but to say the organization gets free publicity is incorrect and is actually kind of humorous.
Last edited by J H
Originally posted by TRhit:
to be honest about it , and I run showcases And touraments there is no way you can guarantee colleges who will be in attendance----it is impossible
You can't guarantee what colleges will attend. But you can provide a history of past attendance. Chances are the colleges that have attended every year in the recent past will attend again.
Originally posted by jaggerz:
PG sure gets a lot of free publicity on this site.
Perfect Game advertises on the site. Jerry Ford provides a lot of time and information as a poster on the site. Any publicity Perfect Game gets free from posters is well earned out of respect and for a job well done.
A Lhp, 6'5 and reported 92 MPH.

Since 1987,when I created the Area Code games and tryouts this LHP prospect was automatic placement at our tryout at no cost!

We averaged over 80 pro scouts and college coaches at each regional tryout. The scouts wanted to evaluate LHP and anyone who could hit and run.

Each year,I tried to provide these tools for the scouts and coaches and agents. $35 million in annual pro signing bonus is the proof of the talent level.

Now I journey to the land "down under" with 3 very strong teams [Rays, Astros, Nationals] of 48 talented players.

"Good Luck" to your dreams

Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by jaggerz:
PG sure gets a lot of free publicity on this site.
Perfect Game advertises on the site. Jerry Ford provides a lot of time and information as a poster on the site. Any publicity Perfect Game gets free from posters is well earned out of respect and for a job well done.

I have nothing against PG but I see how other events are given token comments if any. Besides, if Jeep advertised on this site would you buy one automatically?
Originally posted by jaggerz:
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by jaggerz:
PG sure gets a lot of free publicity on this site.
Perfect Game advertises on the site. Jerry Ford provides a lot of time and information as a poster on the site. Any publicity Perfect Game gets free from posters is well earned out of respect and for a job well done.

I have nothing against PG but I see how other events are given token comments if any. Besides, if Jeep advertised on this site would you buy one automatically?

On the topic of great HR hitters, would you be more inclined to discuss Hank Aaron or Rennie Stennett?
Originally posted by jaggerz:
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by jaggerz:
PG sure gets a lot of free publicity on this site.
Perfect Game advertises on the site. Jerry Ford provides a lot of time and information as a poster on the site. Any publicity Perfect Game gets free from posters is well earned out of respect and for a job well done.

I have nothing against PG but I see how other events are given token comments if any. Besides, if Jeep advertised on this site would you buy one automatically?
i don't think you've been paying attention. There have been many other showcase events discussed on this board. Many of them have been discussed in positive terms. But PG is number one. If your grandson lives anywhere near you I recommend he also look into Select Fest. If he's a very good student I also recommend Head First. There are other good showcases. The quality may vary by region.

Add: I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. Its my third.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by BB247:
My son participated in a PG showcase in the fall. It was well run and I think the player evaluations were accurate. I did not notice any college coaches at this particular event, nevertheless it helped get my son on the radar and was a good investment.

Some events labeled "showcases" would probably be better titled Combines where individuals are being evaluated by and organization like PG or BBFactory.
Originally posted by BRINGWOODBACK:
Originally posted by Dreams13:
He's a potential D1 RHP, 6'5 195 and tops out at 92 right now.

Well, we have gone a bit afield, and I think its time to give new member Dreams13 a reality check:

There is no way a 6'5" RHP @ 92 plays in college. If he grows a bit and adds 10-12 to FB, maybe D3.
Sorry if this hurts. Hey, maybe tennis!

Good Luck


I'll take it a step further. If those stats are accurate, you don't need a showcase.

Decide where you want to go and contact the coach. The stats will get his attention.

The only showcases worth attending to prove your stats, for a player with that talent level, are the free ones: Area Codes, East Coast, and the Summer Rivalry Classic (Yastremski).

Why pay for a showcase when they will likely be lining up for you?
Originally posted by RedSoxFan21:
I'll take it a step further. If those stats are accurate, you don't need a showcase.

Decide where you want to go and contact the coach. The stats will get his attention.

The only showcases worth attending to prove your stats, for a player with that talent level, are the free ones: Area Codes, East Coast, and the Summer Rivalry Classic (Yastremski).

Why pay for a showcase when they will likely be lining up for you?

True dat!
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by mcmmccm:
Some events labeled "showcases" would probably be better titled Combines where individuals are being evaluated by and organization like PG or BBFactory.

Combines are for football.

There is more than one use for the word combine. I am just saying that there should be some distinction between events where teams show up to play in front of scouts and individuals show up for an evaluation.
A huge mistake that most players make is that they attend a particular event and "hope" to be seen. It doesn't matter if there is 1 scout there or 100, you can't just show up thinking you will get noticed. You need to contact coaches in advance and get them to see you. I have scouted players for a long time and it is impossible to watch a game and notice everyone. There are 30-40 players in uniform most games and during the course of a game there are many distractions: conversations, phone calls, text messages, emails etc. Coaches usually have specific players to watch and focus on those guys. Unless you are throwing 88 mph and above, have a great body, run very well, have plus arm strength, etc you can have the best game of your life and not be seen. Make sure coaches are there to see you play BEFORE attending any event!
Originally posted by jaggerz:
I have nothing against PG but I see how other events are given token comments if any. Besides, if Jeep advertised on this site would you buy one automatically?

If you hunt around here a little, you will see that a number of events uniformly get high praise, and they are not all PG events. The Stanford Camp and the Arizona Fall Classic are a couple that readily come to mind.

I have never been to a PG event and didn't know who PGStaff was when I began being impressed with the information and wisdom he contributes to this site. Although Mr. Ford is knowledgeable and insightful, what impresses me most is how unassuming he is and how considerate he is with regard to others, especially players. I suspect that much of his success is based on the fact that he doesn't think of players as a commodity.

It also wouldn't surprise me if PG advertising here is at least as much about helping this site as it is about helping its business. I'll be happy to attend a PG event when the time comes.
Last edited by '15 Dad
Originally posted by '15 Dad:
If you hunt around here a little, you will see that a number of events uniformly get high praise, and they are not all PG events. The Stanford Camp and the Arizona Fall Classic are a couple that readily come to mind.

I have never been to a PG event and didn't know who PGStaff was when I began being impressed with the information and wisdom he contributes to this site. Although Mr. Ford is knowledgeable and insightful, what impresses me most is how unassuming he is and how considerate he is with regard to others, especially players. I suspect that much of his success is based on the fact that he doesn't think of players as a commodity.

It also wouldn't surprise me if PG advertising here is at least as much about helping this site as it is about helping its business. I'll be happy to attend a PG event when the time comes.

Very well said. I couldn't agree more.
Last edited by NYdad2017

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