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I am using my phone more and more to Facebook, Twitter, Email, Texting, Multimedia Texting, Power point presentations. Would like some help from the board or opinions as to my sanity! Wink

I am looking for a new phone that makes it easy for me to post on the HSBBWeb. I know the iPhone has "real" internet. (I have AT&T) I am looking at the HTC Fuze that has full page internet, adobe flash. Does anybody post here from their phone? What do you use? How easy is it? Suggestions.

Any idea as to how hard it would be to make a HSBBWEB also a mobile page? Responses appreciated.
"Don't sweat the small stuff." "I am responsible for the effort -- not the outcome. "
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I've been posting here on the HSBBW for close to four years and I've always posted phonetically.

Some will argue that it has been more frantically rather than phonetically. It really could be both.

I've been known to fill a full page, twitter about sending flashes through our abode, and blow a fuse or two. It's as easy as 1-2-6! 1-2-P! Where is that three key? Like I was's as easy as one, two, three!

All simply done with one keystroke at a time. It's true! Just ask my right index finger...he'll tell you!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
y'all are funny. My simple easy to use phone is falling apart - I'm using to tape to hold it together. My husband is embarrassed for me. I communicate with both sons using text, and I still have to pay extra! I am stubbornly holding on for three more months.... and will probably get a ... some sort of data phone and bifocals so I can see the keys and screen. ::big sigh::

Anyway, one son has a Blackberry, the other an Instinct. They both love what they have - even though they are two very different phones. Seems like there is an app for just about everything ... both are easy to use for internet and excepting that GW4S poster, this site is usually not picture heavy.
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

Can I ask a stupid question Bighit?

Was your last post the result of a twitch or a twit?

Seriously...can anyone help Bighit out? I've given it my best shot and all I've managed to do is freeze up his CAPS LOCK!


Geez, don't you know anything? It is a Tweet! You maroon!

BTW, I use twitter to get daily updates from beat reporters for my favorite pro and college teams. Come right to my phone in the form of a text message. I really like it. If anybody Twitters and Tweets, I am (what else) Bighit15! lol Tweet you l8er. Maybe we can meet at a Tweetup?
Last edited by Bighit15
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

I'm also interested to hear recommendations about phones that work well with forum-driven sites, and I am hoping (whenever time permits) to create a cell phone friendly version of this site.

After that will you start HSBBWEB Anonymous? Smile We can meet in the chat room once a week.
Last edited by RJM
I am posting this reply from my iPhone. It is easy to use. I have the site bookmarked on the phone.

We all have iphone's in my family and love comparing notes on new applications and uses. We love the app graphics and game updates are great. There is now "at bat 2009" which is supposed to be better.

I am slow on the learning curve on Twittering- don't get it. My life is pretty boring- follow me to the grocery store? Please explain!!

I do have a friend who is "with it" and she is always using her iPhone to update her facebook and to tweet.
Last edited by curveball07
I would suggest that with Twitter there are some sites that help you. One is called "nearby tweets". It tells you who is tweeting you locally. Another is we follow. You can look by topic ie. politcs, sports, baseball, music, celebrities, etc. Lots of links are posted. I get Cnn news, Fox news, etc. I get updates from Braves, Marlins, Mets, etc. with links to blogs and insiders information. There are fantasy baseball groups. It is a social networking site. It has its uses. It can be fun. Look me up. Bighit15.

Nearby tweets
twitter search
We Follow
For loading pics easily from phone! Twit Pic

I have a blast with it. I also network with it.
I am currently using a Windows Mobile 6.1 based phone. The mobile browser included from Microsoft is pretty lame however I have installed the opera mini browser (free)and find it to be very good viewing full application web pages as well as forum related sites.

I am not a At&t customer however I have to believe that all the windows mobile 6.1 phones work pretty much the same.
Originally posted by Bighit15:
Originally posted by JT:
The HTC phones are pretty good. That said...I would be all over an iPhone if I were with AT&T. I have posted occasionally from my phone (HTC Touch/Vogue).

JT, does your htc have the Windows mobile 6.1 and full page "real" internet. Just curious. Thanks.

Yes. Some sites are more mobile friendly than others. The new HTC Diamond has a zoom feature, as well.

As far as browsers, I never not the hang of Opera, and switched back to the IE browser.

Another thing about the WinMo 6.1 phones (or even 6.0) is that there are alot of customizations that can be done. Here is a web site with a ton of info on the phones and the adaptations:
Last edited by JT
OK, I am really out of it. To me a phone is a phone and I'm a little paranoid about all these social networking sites. If I ever return to civilization, I suppose I will have to conform.

The big thing that worries me is how much all these services cost. I have no clue. I am just as afraid of the expense as I am of the sites that collect all this twitter/facebook/blogging data. Can you all give me an idea what the monthly cost is for all these services, tax included? (I recall a few years ago when my old land line bill was almost 50% tax but a cell phone's tax was almost nothing.)

Last edited by infidel_08
Infidel, I am with ATT and I pay an extra 15$ a month for internet/data. Plus tax Big Grin Blackberry (daughter)is expensive. $35 month. The iPhone 3g is $30 month for data/internet service. I pay 20$ a month for unlimited text/mms service for the family plan. I no longer have a home phone. lol I did buy a MagicJack for $40 and $20 a year. As far as Big Brother. He is here already. lol Big Grin Facebook, Twitter, etc are all free. Though Twitter will start charging for "expanded packages" soon. The basic service is free. Expanded packages means longer post length (perfect for long winded HSBBWeb posters). lol

Redbird, I appreciate the need for tactile feel on a phone. Very sterile poking a piece of glass. Does the Blackberry allow you to post on the HSBBWeb?

Same quesion for you backstop0007! Can you post on the HSBBWeb with the Epix?

Thanks guys for the responses
Last edited by Bighit15
I'm with ATT and I use the iphone 3G although 3G internet isn't available in my area --- yet. The ATT phone internet service in our location is called "Edge" (it's about 1/2 speed of 3G). Supposedly 3G is coming soon. I find I "surf" more when I'm in a 3G area. As far as posting to the HSBBW from a iphone --- I agree with 08Dad in that short posts are fine but long posts can be time consuming as they would be on any phone. Using the facebook app on an iphone actually makes facebook easier on the iphone than facebooking on a desktop or laptop. iphone does have some drawbacks in that transmitting and receiving pictures and videos are virtually impossible. Look for that to change in the future. I figure it's just a matter of time before someone designs an iphone app for the HSBBW that would "tie" iphone and the HSBBW even closer than a standard internet hookup. Someone has done this with a facebook app. Let me explain --- a very small screen on any phone makes it difficult to navigate using "links" imbedded on the website making movement within the site difficult. A specific designed app (application) would bring out the common links into a manageable format easily accessed on a phone screen. I might add that ATT does have some "dead areas" that I never experienced when with Verizon wireless. I might add that I use a verizon "air card" for my home computer and laptop (when out of wireless range). Works great.

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