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Our season ended on Thursday night. We played in a Dixie Ozone League and I had the pleasure of coaching this team with my 22yo son. We ended the season with a record of 16-4 and won both the League Championship and the Tournament Championship.

I am so proud of our boys. They played with determination, team unity and class throughout the season. They never argued with an umpire. They always ran on and off the field. They converted many beautiful double plays and they all hit the cover off of the ball. We had six players that hit multiple homeruns during the season and we out-scored our opponents 187 to 73.

Boomer had an incredible (storybook) season. He led the League with 13HR's. He hit a Grand Slam in the League Championship game and another Grand Slam in the Tournament Championship game. He pitched a No-Hitter in the League Championship game and a 2-hitter in the Tournament Championship game.

It was an unbelievable season and I am sure that we will never have another quite like it, but the memories of this season will last forever.
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I posted once, a long time ago, that I hated rec ball. Well, I still prefer Travel ball over rec because of the level of competition. But, we sure had fun working with these boys in this league.

We had 3 players on the team that had never played baseball before so it was very challenging building a "team" with such a variety of talent. In the end, it worked out great and ultimately was as rewarding as anything we had done in the past.

I appreciate the comments and I hope that I didn't offend anyone by bragging too much (Nothing worse than some dad going off on his son!). It was just a great time and the high is just now wearing off.

The good news is that we were selected as the All Star coaches and our first parent's meeting is this Sunday afternoon! We will be hosting the State Tournament and it should be a lot of fun.


I agree with your preference of travel ball to rec ball. In the area I live Little League is king until the age of 13. LL is good for a lot of kids but for the kids that really enjoy the game of baseball IMO it hurts their development as far as REAL baseball fundamentals are concerned.

By the way... 13 HRs is VERY good. A teammate of my son's hit 20 HRs his last season in LL. Here's a clip of him now at age 14...

This particular swing resulted in a double over the left fielders head.

Last edited by FlippJ

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