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“Favorite sports quotes”

This was on the local sports website today. So let’s do it. A friend and I still joke about the following one to this day. It represents every trip to the mound wondering what in hell the conversation could possibly be about.

Candlesticks make a nice gift.

- Bull Durham

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

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"looks like Tarzan, hits like Jane"

There was one like that about Johnny Damon: "Looks like Jesus, acts like Judas, throws like Mary"

I always liked this one. There are a couple versions. I know I heard NHL'er Brendan Shanahan say it, and Ray Shero had a version. "Because of where we've walked together, we'll walk together forever"

So much from Bull Durham:  "I held it like an egg", "Yeah and he scrambled the SOB"

Bob Uecker has a million great quotes.  The guy is just flat out funny.  Either ESPN or MLB did an entire program on his career as a player and Brewers broadcaster that was hilarious.   Here are couple of my favs :

"People don't know this but I helped the Cardinals win the pennant. I came down with hepatitis. The trainer injected me with it."

"I signed with the Milwaukee Braves for three-thousand dollars. That bothered my dad at the time because he didn't have that kind of dough. But he eventually scraped it up."

"They said I was such a great prospect that they were sending me to a winter league to sharpen up. When I stepped off the plane, I was in Greenland."

"When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes."

@fenwaysouth posted:

Bob Uecker has a million great quotes.  The guy is just flat out funny.  Either ESPN or MLB did an entire program on his career as a player and Brewers broadcaster that was hilarious.   Here are couple of my favs :

"People don't know this but I helped the Cardinals win the pennant. I came down with hepatitis. The trainer injected me with it."

"I signed with the Milwaukee Braves for three-thousand dollars. That bothered my dad at the time because he didn't have that kind of dough. But he eventually scraped it up."

"They said I was such a great prospect that they were sending me to a winter league to sharpen up. When I stepped off the plane, I was in Greenland."

"When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes."

One of the MLB Network Voices of Baseball series was on Uecker. I believe there are six shows so far hosted by Costas and Verducci.

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