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2019 has about three weeks until going off to college. We are still in the our legion season up here. I'd like to give him a rest and a couple of weeks on the bench. before the workouts begin at his college. We have a good pitching staff and the schedule is light enough were we won't need him for the next two weeks. He has had a pretty decent workload this year 40 innings about 500-530 pitches total since March. A couple of the returning pitchers from college said it would probably be good for him to rest and pick back up in the last week of July, 1st week of Aug. 

Do you think this will hinder or help for the fall?

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You'll get opinions from both schools of thought on this.  I think a rest in this scenario is a good thing, provided he is sure of what his fall schedule is going to look like.  Some schools start with conditioning and work their way into intersquad while others jump right into intersquad, competing for spots.  I would find out from the coaching staff (in addition to what he has heard from the returning P's).

While the rest can be good, the downside is that the 3-4 week break is just long enough that it will require a ramping back up period.  Another option would be to take a break from live pitching (high stress throws) but keep the arm in shape with a throwing and long toss routine that isn't too demanding and still allows for some healing/refreshing if needed.

cabbagedad posted:


….... Another option would be to take a break from live pitching (high stress throws) but keep the arm in shape with a throwing and long toss routine that isn't too demanding and still allows for some healing/refreshing if needed.

This is what my (pitcher) son did.  He played Legion as a position player but kept up with his long toss, workouts, and running.   His future college pitching coach sent him a summer workout routine so he'd be in top shape for the Fall.   Once he got to campus, he worked his way back onto the mound.

Last edited by fenwaysouth

40 innings isn't a lot since March, that's actually very little work. That's about 10 innings a month. He doesn't need any rest. 

That being said. HS is over, forget legion - it's irrelevant. I get that they're his friends, but the team doesn't matter. Time to move on, he needs to do what is best for him at this point. Striking out HS sophomores and juniors is not going to help him get any better. He'll be on campus in 3 weeks can throw some live ABs to other college guys if he still wants to get work in. 

Mine threw 67 innings and has thrown about once a week for 4-5 innings this summer in legion/travel.  Still does bullpens.  Is done with live now that he is on college campus but will continue to throw bullpens and long toss.  Should not be any live until September so he is slowing down but not stopping because when you take off you have to have time to gear back up. 

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