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I got a phone call from a buddy of mine who is friends with the head baseball coach at Pikeville College. My buddy said the head coach is going to call me to offer me the assistant baseball coach and admissions counselor position at Pikeville College.

This is huge because it has been my DREAM to coach college baseball since I was about 15 years old. Also, this is where I went to college and was lucky enough to play baseball for two years before I switched to coaching high school.

I will be taking a pay cut but the fringe benefits are what makes the job enticing. They are going to give me an apartment and a meal plan in the cafeteria. Baseball is going to pay around $5000 but the bulk of my money will come from the admissions counselor position - should be between $20,000 - $25,000. I know that doesn't look like a lot when you compare it to the $42,000 I make teaching and coaching baseball in high school. BUT without a house payment and house insurance payment and utilities to pay I will have almost nothing to spend money on. So theoretically I should be able to make money in this situation.

I'm pretty fired up about it but then again I have some strong ties in where I am at now. I got some good friends and I have done a great job (with the help of my assistant coaches) in building a strong program in baseball out here. I know about 2 months ago I was on here griping and complaining about what was going on but it did get better (if anybody remembers what I am talking about).

The pluses of taking this job are I get to move back closer to my mom who lives by herself. She will be about 45 minutes away instead of the 6 hours she is now. I will get to start on my dream of being a college head coach. I guess I didn't explain that well enough earlier. I want to coach college but as a head coach one day and this is the first step to reaching that dream.

In the past two years I have filled out or sent in over 200 resumes for college jobs and have had one offer. Patton University in Oakland California offered me a job as an asst. coach but it only paid $3000 and no promise of another job with the school or anywhere else. I couldn't take that big of a chance so I turned it down. To get my foot in the door to coach college I am going to have to take a chance and do it.

If I get the phone call tomorrow I am 98% sure I am going to take the job. I am going to miss a lot of things about where I am at now but I think this is something I have to do.

Anybody got any thoughts?????

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Go for it Coach. This is your chance to make the jump. To be closer to family will be awesome, especially as they get older and you may need to tend to their health needs. I really like that you will be able to counsel along with coaching. This gives you two career opportunities. If coaching doesn't work out, you will have experience in admissions counseling which could lead to a D1 athletic academic counseling job which I personally think would be very fulfilling. Just a thought. How awesome to get to go back to the college you attended. Sometimes money isn't everything. It's the perks. Keep us informed as to what you decide. Good Luck!
I would live in a trailer and coach rather than run my company with 15 employees and all the hassle. I see this opportunity as a way for you to achieve a life-long dream. Take the job and don't look back. Do what you love. With a few years under your belt, other opportunities will surely arise. You are "building a business" and your investment is time and sacrifice.
My buddy said the head coach is going to call me to offer me the assistant baseball coach and admissions counselor position at Pikeville College.

It may be a little premature to get too excited about the move. While I would vote for you to “go for it” based on your feelings I get from your post and the perceived particulars you have provided, there are a lot of blanks that need to be filled in. I was just talking to a college professor friend of mine yesterday and he was upset in that they had cut his summer classes he had taught in the past for extra income. We also talked briefly about his contract and his comp package, being tenured and his being able to keep his retirement package if he goes to another in-state program. There is a lot more to starting a new job than just making a decision based on a “gut feel”. Hopefully you will get the call, make the trip to Pikeville and get a chance to evaluate the complete package and go from there. Best of luck and keep us posted.
Coach, I've always been someone who's played things very close and safe. Only in the last year or so, have I realized how much you can gain by taking leaps of faith. It sounds like this is a dream for you... even if you have to give up some income.

I've only been to Pikeville once and that was this spring.... it's a trip to get there from here! LOL Mountain Pkwy isn't quite like the BG Parkway!! Wink However, you already know that! I watched the team play and will say that I was impressed. They played some good ball!

Sounds like a door is opening and you want to explore what's beyond. I say go for it... but a little investigation beforeheand as Fungo suggest is a wise idea.

Best of luck whatever you decide! Smile

If you take it, here's some suggestions for you to pass on to HC when you play Campbellsville. Throw only your bullpen (and the bottom of the bullpen). Feed your guys biscuits and gravy before the game. Perhaps have them all run a few miles too beforehand.... especially if it's a hot day! I'll think up some more advice and tips if needed! Wink
After 16 years teaching/coaching in the same school, and 21 in education, I'm moving to a new district this year. (Comfort/routine is a hard thing to relinquish.)

The only thing you've said holding you back is the relationships/program you've built. I hate to sound negative, (it's so NOT my personality) but we are all replaceable. The replacement might not do the job the same as you or as well as you, but nevertheless, they'll attempt to do it. And those that you're concerned with leaving behind, will remember you and your ways fondly and will find a way to stay in touch.

With that said, be Johnny Appleseed and plant your seeds in another area. The experience you gain at the next level will be invaluable, and the new insight you bring will be enlightening.

It sounds as if you're single and able to make the switch without a lot of complications. I like what Diamond Darling said about gaining a new area of knowledge in the counseling department.

And Texan, as always, said it from the heart. "If the Good Lord is leading you there, then it will work out for the best."
Last edited by collikar
Thank you all for your thoughts and encouragement. That is what is awesome about this site. I have never met any of you and probably never will but I know deep in my heart that your responses are honest and sincere. It's pretty amazing how our love of baseball can bring us togehter.

I got the call and it wasn't exactly an offer - yet. The head coach said the lady in charge of admissions wants to talk to me first and will probably call me by the end of the week. I will also have to sit down with the Dean of the College (also the Athletic Director as well). The best part of that is they both remember me when I went there back in the mid 90's. Head coach said it's pretty much a done deal but have to wait on other people.

Fungo you are correct in what you said but I do have some money set aside for the "later years". I have some money tied up in investments and my mom got a rather large sum of money. My father died of Black Lung (form of lung cancer that coal miners get) and she sued for compensation and got it. She took the bulk of the money and set up accounts for me, my sister and my sister's daughter. Also, she has put me as executor of her estate. So I think financially for the future I am in good shape. It's the day to day bills which get me.

Lafmom I will make sure to do that ONE time when we play Campbellsville. I remember playing them back in the day and they were always very tough. Maybe we can introduce ourselves if this works out for me.

Collikar I am 33 and single with no kids. I think I have stayed single - without realizing it - because I wanted to make this jump one day. A wife and kids would make it VERY difficult to do. You are also right in that I am replaceable and the world will move on without me at my present location. I am hoping they do hire someone who will do an even better job than I have. I am very proud of what I have accomplished and would hate to see it disappear because the next guy couldn't do it or wasn't qualified.

Also, if this doesn't work out I can always go back to teaching or other opportunities that may arise from this. I have a bachelors in social studies and a masters degree in secondary school counseling so I have a lot of fancy letters beside my name which will help me get jobs.

Once again I thank everyone and am pretty sure I will take the job if offered officially but I am going to make sure to look at everything involved.
Originally posted by coach2709:
I do have some money set aside for the "later years".
I am 33 and single with no kids...

Ooooh......You're quite a catch! Too bad my daughters are too young for you! Wink

Also, if this doesn't work out I can always go back to teaching or other opportunities that may arise from this. I have a bachelors in social studies and a masters degree in secondary school counseling so I have a lot of fancy letters beside my name which will help me get jobs.

It's excellent that you have a "Plan B"...I'm crossing my fingers and toes that you won't need it!

Good luck and may all your dreams come true.
Also, if this doesn't work out I can always go back to teaching or other opportunities that may arise from this. I have a bachelors in social studies and a masters degree in secondary school counseling so I have a lot of fancy letters beside my name which will help me get jobs.

By the way, I showed this to my older son for motivation--he wants to coach and teach social studies, too.

Your post described a career opportunity that is exactly what my 21-yr-old son is hoping for in his future. I hope that this works out for you, and it sounds like you are leaning in the right direction.

Looking back on 30+ years of working (I'm 48 and started working in HS), several times I have looked at a potential career change and been scared but excited. The one time I played it safe turned out to be a pretty boring path. The times when I have taken a leap of faith have led to a lot of personal and professional growth. I say, do some research as Fungo suggested, then if it seems workable at all, Go for it! Big Grin

Coach, I hope all works out for you. Sounds like your excited and ready for the challenge. I work for a college and know that being an admissions counselor is a huge responsibility. No, I'm in another field of work with my college, but I do work with students during the semester. But, I really believe that you can handle it. Pikeville is a great college. I know you will succeed.
Originally posted by collikar:
After 16 years teaching/coaching in the same school, and 21 in education, I'm moving to a new district this year. (Comfort/routine is a hard thing to relinquish.)

Hey Collikar, that’s not good news for us. My daughter hasn’t been through your class yet. Frown

I will be sad to see Collikar go even if she thinks she can be replaced. However, that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t make the change. Great teachers and coaches like Collikar make a difference every day. They make the biggest difference when they are where they want to be. Fungo is right too, as he usually is. Don’t be blinded by desire to make this work. Consider everything that will change, not just the money. Then if it seems right, follow your bliss! Be one of the great ones.
Once again I still thank you for the well wishes and going to give you an update.

I am meeting next week with the lady in charge of admissions and the athletic director. We are going to talk money, benefits and all the other stuff which is going to help me make the decision.

I will let you know how it went next week.

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