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A couple weeks back someone posted a link to a presser for coach Matt Deggs of Sam Houston State.  I thought it was inspirational and would love for him to come speak at my son's school.  it's been gnawing at me for a while, so this morning I finally emailed him and asked him to come speak.  Today at lunch I was talking with another fellow about my e-mail and he said he was going to have a conference call with coach Deggs THIS AFTERNOON! and that he would bring up the speaking opportunity!   what are the odds?!  anyway, Sam Houston State plays Central Arkansas in conference and there's a decent they will be about 15 min. away from my kid's HS.  I sure hope this can be worked out!!! 

folks, Google coach Deggs and pull up a YouTube vid.  you won't be disappointed.  the kind of coach you WANT your son learning from.  I'll wager there are some big time jobs that will be offered to him in the near future.  class act.

Two years ago someone on HSBBW posted a video of Inky Johnson speaking.  I saw it and though how cool it would be to have him come speak at our school.  long story short, things just fell into place and he spoke to our Jr High and High School students.  it was AMAZING! 

you can't imagine how great if feels to be used for something this cool.  and the impact it can have on the students down the road?  just WOW!  very humbling.

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