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I just got back from UMASS Amherst from the Blue-Grey event going on down there. There was an 80% chance of rain forecasted and the sky looked ominous beforehand, but Blue-Grey made no effort to cancel/postpone the event. There were kids coming from everywhere to the event, so it would have been considerate/smart for them to at least notify parents about the forthcoming weather problems. After arriving, it started to rain, and we stretched/ran/etc as normal. We then ran the 60 in the pouring rain. After we were finished, the organizers sent all 50 kids into one dugout...very uncomfortable. There were about 5 or 6 scouts sitting in the other dugout, perfectly dry; aggravating to say the least. So while everyone was completely drenched, we stood there for 20 minutes without any notice of what was going on. We did not start on time either. Finally, Gus (Head of BG) postponed the showcase to Friday.

Obviously, they can't control the weather, but they did a bad job of organizing the entire event and being considerate of the weather. I'll post again on Friday after the showcase.
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Well, I have to say that we were pretty disappointed in Battle of the States II in Kissimmee. Out of approximately 10 teams, mostly Florida teams that play together all the time. We were under the impression that this was an invite only of top players invited not travel teams or local teams. We were put on a so called "pick up team" and probably the only team that played by the rules. There were hardly any scouts that we could see. The only thing good about it was meeting the other parents & kids on our team. We would never recommend this tournament. Save your money!!!
The B/G Classic at Coastal Carolina was a bit of a disappointment as far as scout/recruiter turnout. Funny thing. It seemed that there were maybe 4-5 there for both days we were there. The same 4-5 on both days. But at the end of the second day when B/G posted the scouts in attendance, the page was full! College recruiters from every division, a handfull of pros. I know we don't always recognize scouts for what they are but this was VERY fishy. The crowds just weren'that big where they could just blend in unnoticed. But the weather was good and it was off to vacation after that!
POP - I feel ya Dawg!! We went to BG Jax one year and BG Wm and Mary the next - WM was a little better, but Jax was mostly JC coaches [although 'mostly' is a relative term - 95 deg and 90% RH, there was maybe a half dozen guys there - not sure what 'mostly' of 5-7 is]. WM had more but not as advertised. As you said, the sheet was full of names -- no clue where all these guys were hiding!

Gus is a good guy, he works hard, but I never saw a lot of coaches or scouts at the 4 BG's we went to.
Last edited by windmill
Originally posted by Armor:
Only problem was the last game on Saturday night went until 2:30 am and at it's completion there was only one scout left.

Funny. It's sort of a running joke in our house that my son does most of his best showcasing when there's no one around. The "tree falling in the woods." There's nothing you can do about it but press on!
Blue/Grey at William & Mary and Wake Forest are probably the two best. There were 30-40 scouts in attendance from the Mid-Atlantic region at both, the year my son went.

Rain unfortunately is a chance you take, I imagine they book the college for a particular date rain or shine.

I know while at William & Mary, the head coach at the time, Coach Farr, was out on the field until 2 AM after some rain to ensure the field was ready the next morning.


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