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I can't comment on them all, but the William and Mary and Wake Forest events are well run and well-attended by college coaches. The format is a little different from PG showcases but my son enjoyed it. Pitchers pitch bullpens for the scouts on day 1, and each team takes BP and fields, then each team plays 3-4 games on days 2 and 3. There was a banquet for players and parents which we enjoyed. Some speakers were a little wordy, but the college coaches were given a chance to speak and several did; lots of good info passed along.

At W and M, there were approximately 30-35 scouts the first day, dropped off on the second, 7-8 left by the time it's over (but we got a call from a coach that saw my son last day, last game, so you never know).

The players seemed to enjoy the format. Team Virginia's coach, Wiley Lee, wins admirers every year and does a very nice job. (I don't think Team Virginia has ever lost a game).

I'd recommend these two. Wake Forest has even more scouts/coaches present. Schools at both tend to mid-Atlantic, eastern seaboard schools, Southern schools, although we also heard from a Florida school after the w & M event.

(p.s. I've got a little bias I guess as that's where the school that signed my son first saw him.)
Last edited by hokieone
If you want to be seen by Atlantic seaboard schools, this event can do that for you. You won't get as many perceived top-level players as, say, Perfect Game, but that is a good thing.

My son has been to a couple of BG events and neither the JUCO nor 4-year school he signed with were there. But showcasing, and showcasing well, is a critical part of the process. It does help legitimize you as a player.

BG's summer events will mostly be 2005 grads. But good 2006 or 2007 players (HS all-league types) can do well. But if you have to try out, 06 and 07s probably won't make it to W&M or Wake.
My '05 made it last year to William & Mary as a pre-select and this year he goes to the B-G at Wake Forest.

IMO - very well run event at William & Mary, weather was a problem and the W&M staff worked til 2 am to get the field ready for the morning games. Event generated some interest in my '05 last year. Hopefully this year will wrap it up when he goes to Wake. Good friend went to Wake last year and he and his parents were very impressed.

Hokie you tell Park that Team VA is still undefeated at W & M and he better help keep it that way. biglaugh

I cannot comment on the other locations only have expierence with William & Mary & Wake Forest.

Last edited by cvsting
I have been to this organizations events; 1 showcase, 1 classic, and will attend their battle of the states III in FL during October. I am not a player, this organization appears to produce a top class event and the employees I have met to date appear to have a strong relationship with the pros and colleges. Well organize and holds alot of class.

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