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Tomorrow is a big day in my household. I plan to make a big breakfast and tomorrow morning my son will sign a NLI.

Now 2 years ago, I didn't even know what a NLI was ...and I sure didn't know anything about being proactive, sending letters, schedules, showcasing, select teams and the recruiting wise and other...

I'm not sure how/when/where...I stumbled onto this great site... BUT I can truly say that I owe you and all of the websters here so much.

I've read bad posts. I've read good. Then there are those great ones and those controversial ones. The funny. The sad. The confused.

And then there are those that propel us forward giving hope and inspiration.

And for those..we each can determine our way.

Each webster brings valuable information to this board - for me to sort through and to use accordingly.

YOU have no idea how much this means to our family. My husband and I want to see our son have his dreams come true.

Words cannot tell you how much this place away from home means ....THANKS...

In Heaven - I believe you'll have your own ball park and the players will all be decendents from this site!

Thanks. And God bless you for what you do!

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CONGRATS To YoU AND TO BRANDON!! Like you,I stumbled onto this site back when my son first started HS.It has truly been a Godsend.Without the knowledge I have gained here,as well as,the support and encouragement from such wonderful people,I doubt that things would have turned out so well for my son. MANY THANKS TO BOB and Also, To All The Folks Who Help MakeUp The GREAT HSBBW!! HOPE YA'LL HAD A GREAT DAY AND SAVOR ALL THE MOMENTS IN BETWEEN!!

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Congratulations to Brandon as well! Now the fun really begins.

When I came in here for the first time I was amazed at the things I was reading. (that was good). After over 20 years of coaching I had no idea how much I didn't know, but the "websters" made that quite evident during the course of my "apprenticeship" as a poster. LOL!!

This place has a wealth of info and knowledgable folks to use at your descretion, (a few knuckleheads too, but we won't go into that)!!

One of the areas that I was a total zero in was the college recruiting scene. After coming in here for 2 yrs. now I'm a self-proclaimed expert!! Thanks everyone. LOL!!!!

The "websters" are great fun in here as well as exasperating sometimes, but heh.... if we all agreed all the time we wouldn't need the phrases "good argument, or heated debate, you've got to be kidding me right? in our repertoire.

"Is this heaven? No it's Iowa"
Congratulations to your son and the family..That's what it's all about.
Most of us only see one player take that step up to the next level but we notice and absorb EVERYTHING about the process it took for that player to get there. I’m sure my son’s situation is different from every other player but at the same time there has to be a multitude of similarities.
I stayed in contact with the HSBBW all during the high school years starting as a freshman. I asked some dumb questions but our family learned from asking those questions. This year I’ll read some new question from a new member and smile because I know that was me 5 years ago. I enjoy explaining how I saw things as they began to develop. I get excited for the players and the parents. I KNOW how you feel.
I also know if it weren’t for the parents that care for their sons, a great percentage of those players would never set foot on a college baseball field. We awake in the morning and think about what needs to be done. I‘m sure you’ll ask yourself, like I asked myself, ….What can I do?….What should I do?…


Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

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