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First Barry didnt know he was eating steroids when he was taking the clear. Now he was taking medicine out of Sweeneys locker and didnt know it was greenies. This guy is the biggest freaking liar ever. He will never be the home run king in my book no matter how many he hits.
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The Barry disciples & apologists will blame Sweeney, mlb, the writers, and anyone else associated with this that's not Barry. They also won't care what he did or didn't take, that he threw a teammate under the bus, or did anything illegal.
The fact that this was released yesterday and only now was mentioned on here shows people are tired of this entire Bonds ordeal and just accept him as a piece of garbage. Nothing that comes out on him is a surprise to anyone anymore.
Very sad that some of the greatest players ever are tarnished by this scandal. BB was a hall of famer before he ever used anything. Will be interesting over the next 10-15 years to see what happens with Bonds, Sosa, McGwire, etc. and the hall of fame/record books. Interesting, but very sad for baseball in general.
Originally posted by TRhit:
One has to wonder how many of the HOF members were using "greenies"

Even heard one reporter say that the writers used them as well

Its common knowledge that just about everyone used them before they were banned by baseball. Im just tired of Bonds always blaming someone else for his misuses(is that a word?) of vitamins/medicine. I cant wait to see him this year so i can boo him( i know its childish but i dont care).
From the SI article today:

"Orza also refused to comment on what he said to Sweeney or about Bonds' failed test, but added, "I can say unequivocally in my 22 years I've known Barry Bonds he has never blamed anyone for anything."

Sweeney apparently confronted Bonds, and Bonds told him that Orza had misunderstood, that he had not intended to implicate his teammate."

....but often blamed others for everything (the media, the strike compromising his paltry finances, his trainer). Sheesh.

Actually, I can understand his logic in saying he had nicked something from Sweeney: "Gee, this stuff has sucessfully made Mark into a journeyman first baseman, wonder what it can do for me!"

Last edited by Orlando
One thing that I found my knowledge when one tests positive for greenies or any other amphetamine the fist time, it is supposed to be anonymous and there is no suspension. Sounds like someone may be out to get him by leaking this info. Also, many HOF players practically lived of greenies.

However, throwing your teammate under the bus and/or not taking responsibility for your actions is flat out despicable in my book. If you break the rules and get caught, be a man about it and take responsibility. Just my humble two cents....
I'm kind of starting to lean in McGwires favor on this subject of Steroid use are abuse.
I'm not here to talk about the past.
I'm here to talk about the future.
I truely feel that they were
Nieve to the Conquences,
Are at least the backlash of there actions.
For many years people turned a blind eye.
We'll when that was aloud to happen??
It took awile for the people
To let there feelings be known.
And that's are fault.
Why is anyone even slightly surprised that Barroid is not only taking a banned substance, but is blaming someone else for it? Give him time, and he'll be dragging out the race card.

Bud Selig promised to investigate Barroid last year, then he promptly disappeared. Has anyone heard a peep from Bud?

Yep..ole Barroid once said that his body was a temple, and he knew everything that went into his he thinks he can con people into believing that he just wanders around the locker room, treating other players pills like a pharmaceutical buffet line.
Do the people who get to vote for the HOFamers the same people who write the sports stuff?

If so doesn't that mean that the same guys who SAW these guys get bigger (and knew what was going on) and said nothing as writers, for years, going to get to vote?

Just seems like such a black mark on the game we love so much, from everyone, not just the players. JMO.
Bonds continues to impress as one of the biggest pieces of garbage in sports EVER although i'll give him some credit that he did issue an apology to Mark Sweeney this morning.

What will be even more interesting is whether the Giants will show any integrity. In this regard they are still negotiating with little barry as to a new contract. The latest stumbling block has been the terms of how many of barry's entourage can be in the clubhouse at any given time.

but, now with this latest revelation, is this what you want on your team and in your clubhouse?

I mean with all those greenies and flax seed oil floating around it must be a real mess in there
Apparently nobody has ever gotten in unanimously, hokie. Several writers have said they 'save' their votes for the marginal guys when they are sure certain players will get in on the first ballot. Several have said they intentionally don't vote for the shoe-in guys because if Babe Ruth wasn't unanimous, nobody should be.

Just reporting what I've read; this is not to be construed as a defense of baseball writers. Can't think of a reason to defend much of what they do.

TPM, don't for a minute expect consistency out of those bozos Roll Eyes!
Last edited by Orlando
Either the 11 live on Mars, or were racists.

It's more of a Mars thing as Ruth, DiMaggio and Mantle weren't unanimious. Big Grin

What I find bizarre about the whole process is that once a sports writer is granted HOF voter privileges, he never loses that vote regardless of circumstances! Thus a write could become a chef and be out of baseball and still have a vote on who gets in despite not having followed the player or game for 20 years! Roll Eyes

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