About a year or more ago, journalist Peter Gammons predicted that Bonds would find a way to gracefully retire as soon as he passed Ruth and would forego chasing Aaron as he (Bonds) would want to escape the limelight as soon as possible and before the steroids issue became full blown. Let's not forget that his grand jury testimony states that he took steroids but didn't know they were steroids at the time
The steroid issue has come full blown faster than Barry must have presumed. But, I think Barry may find a way to come back before the '05 season is over and just to catch Ruth (about 12 homeruns away) and he's now set the stage to then retire.
It's interesting that Bonds notes his age and the difficulty to rehab and perform at 40, but refrains from explaining how he had his best years in his late 30's and far exceeded what he had done in what would typically have been his prime years.
It's also intertesting that both Bonds and McGwire have taken similar positions that they don't want to discuss the past, but to just move forward. Anyone that has engaged in wrongdoing would certainly want that approach taken, but the past and what took place is part of the issue.