Although I don't feel a particular compulsion to defend a position that I haven't taken perhaps it will serve to clarify what I did say....
Barry Bonds was a great baseball player long before he was ever accused of taking steroids.
My opinion from watching him play pre-steroid era....He really was pretty good, just ask him. As a Pittsburgh Pirate fan, I'd give anything to get a talent like that back.
He wasn't ever very user friendly to the media, that's for sure and that was never forgotten my media types.
Barry certainly didn't suck up to the media....he didn't even suck up to his head coach......ask Jim Leyland.
Is it ok to lie and cheat your way into the HOF? The HOF is no benchmark to delinate the gravity of all sins including lying or cheating. It is generally wrong to lie and cheat period, as a lawyer, police officer, accountant, truck driver or a baseball player. In order to apply a blanket rule to the HOF regarding cheating and lying, you would have to kick out all those that are in that had cheated and lied which is quite dubious.
Do I think getting in should be based on statistics alone? Here is what I said, ".....into the HOF based on his statistics and contribution to the game (a standard by which others have been inducted)" Is the HOF truly a "nice guy" contest?
Where do you draw the line? In fact, I might ask "Why draw the line at all? Or, "How could you possibly draw the line? Or maybe better, "Why don't we let each person, each parent, each individual draw their own line.
The HOF is not some litmus test of personal character. We are not holding every member up and placing them on a plaque to say, "Look kid, this is what you must aspire to." The HOF says, "This is a unique player, extremely talented, contributed xyz to the game of baseball and in him these traits or characteristics are something you might incorporate into your own life........and because he is/was human....these things you want to try to leave behind." To do otherwise is to try to create a universe of super heroes, captain america's, infallible gods of baseball. If you want to try to lie to kids that way well then....keep Barry Bonds and Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe and whoever else committed a sin out of the HOF.