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Bonds is the best player of his era...and if it were the steroid be it. We had the dead ball era, we had the live ball era of the late 20's and early 30's, we have the "modern era," so now we have the "live player era." The best is the best...regardless of what era...and until it is dis-proven that a large percentage of players and pitchers WERE NOT juicing, then I will support Bonds' accomplishments. There is simply no way to know, either way. Yes...he is an egotistical @$$...but that, in no way, should diminish his accomplishments...which have come in an era that might just be tainted in its entirety. I, for one, will be staying up way past my east coast bedtime to watch his every AB...and will stand and cheer when he hits #756.
********************************************** Baseball players don't make excuses...they make adjustments.
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Don't think that anyone is disputing he is a great player, or rather hitter.

This is my concern. Our kids, our future baseball players. The future of baseball.

When my son was in 4th grade he was asked to write a paper on his favorite baseball player. This player doesn't play anymore but I enjoyed and remember his paper. It was about looking up to a person with integrity, to be able to play the great game someday like he did. To make a difference.

The kids of today are very smart, but our young players are impressionable. What would you say to your 10-11 year old son if he came home with a paper about his hero, Barry Bonds who broke the home run record? What do coaches tell their players about Bonds in discussion? I'll bet half of them don't even discuss it.

The game of baseball has already lost it's national pastime status by giving way to football. How are we to preserve this great game and make it AGAIN #1? By admiring players that have broken records by questionable means?

If you can explain that so that it makes sense to me, I am willing to listen.

Yes, it will all be a questionable era for many, but too many things point to the fact that this particular players accomplishments are QUESTIONABLE.
Last edited by TPM
They might call this the "BARRY BONDS WITCH HUNT ERA" when it is done---if Bonds had not been previously disliked because of his surly attitude things might be different---the fact is NO major players in the bigs have been proven guilty of steroid use---how many have done it?

TPM---Football as the # 1 sport has more thugs and problems than baseball---seems nobody gets on their case--they pay the penalty and just keep on ticking

Truth be known, drugs, greenies et al , have been prevalent in baseball for more years than you can imagine---no sport is totally "clean"
This isn't about being a thug. It isn't about greenies and the everyday guy who plays for a few years. This is about breaking another man's hard earned record with questionable means. Doesn't that bother you? As stated he could have been a HOF WITHOUT anything. I hope he NEVER gets elected.

You didn't answer my question. Is that what you tell young players, oh it's ok, they do it in football? That is an EXCUSE. What happened to honesty and integrity?
Last edited by TPM
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