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This past Saturday there was a clinic that i attended in Maryland inside a gym. I was going for a backhand play and i pulled up too early. Everybody was watching me when i made this mistake. So, i got frustrated and punched the padding on the wall. The reason why i did this was because i made the play before. I guess that i was trying to impress the spectators. I LOVE the game soooo much that sometimes when i make a mistake, it makes me mad because i know i can do better. So now im stuck at home with a hard cast on my right arm, just before the season starts. It almost makes me cry when i see others playing and not me. You might think that i have anger management problems but i dont. Baseball is like a second nature to me, i love playing so much that i dont know what i would do without it. Now, i just need to find some hitting drills and fielding drills that i can do without my right hand. Does anyone know of any?? THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!
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When you make an error shake it off. The play is over. You no longer have control over that play. Focus. Make the next play. It's more likely the coaches saw a player who lacks composure than an intense player. You can't play baseball wired. You may not have a ball hit your way for innings. You have to stay even keeled, composed and ready. It's too bad you injured yourself. I've yet to see a wall lose one of those fights. When you get ticked pound your fist into your glove once. It's softer and safer. Good luck.
Last edited by RJM
Now, i just need to find some hitting drills and fielding drills that i can do without my right hand. Does anyone know of any??

Please don't feel like I'm kicking you when you're down because that is not my intention. I'm not saying you got an anger problem but it does sound like you have a maturity problem. Last time I checked walls were undefeated when it comes to fights with hands.

Nobody will ever fault you for passion in the game - in fact people will encourage it. But the problem comes in from not being able to process / handle failure. The old cliche that baseball is a game of failure is very true. NEVER EVER strike out, boot a ball or fail to run out a groundball and then laugh about it. But take a few seconds to be ticked off and then get it over with. I always tell my guys that we got a 3.5 rule - when it comes to failure you have three seconds once the play is over (not during) to be ticked, mad, upset, dog cuss yourself in your head. Once the three seconds are up you have to flush it out of your head and focus back in. When you have success it's basically the same process but you got five seconds. I like to celebrate success but you can't dwell on it nor can you dwell on failure.

Let me ask you this - what did you prove by punching the wall? What message did you send to the spectators, fans and scouts? College coaches are ok with having a fire in your belly but not at the expense where you are self destructive. They want to see guys who fail, see that it bothers them but how they react in the dugout tells them everything they want to know - are you a selfish / immature player who pouts, sulks, tosses helmets, punches walls and things like that or are you a team player who composes and refocuses to cheer on his team mates? Nobody ever expects you to not have emotion but you are expected to have control over that emotion.

Please understand that I wish you a speedy and full recovery. As jemaz said don't rush it because it could lead to more serious problems. Good luck.

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